Tuesday, June 8, 2004

What Do They Use For Lens Transplant

"Gothic"? - RUN! It mutated again!

"Es wird nicht besser." (unbekannte deutsche band)

nach langer abstinenz krieche ich wieder aus meinem kreativen stillstandsloch. and seriously: I was wondering, einzusargen the journal. it started to stink already almost.
part was the lack of time, for my part in it that the "big", just personal things too hard for a public journal are ... and the third at the appropriate wonder if all this is worth, and if I do not much too big neck on the whole black-scene-quark have to give me a comment inflict.
paradoxically I read something today and thought, "The cup is full!
if one wants to play in a few hours at least twice the head on the table top and to even ashamed to have ever referred to as "gothic" and then ... yes, then that must get out.

I quote.

From: Gothic as an expression of lived magic
Newsgroups:: X
Subject ---
date :2004-06-07 03:17:37 PST

Gothic is. ................

  • the aesthetic and erotic part of the traditional magic

  • visible to bear signs of magic and emotionally, from perceiving to be one

  • a thoroughly magical life behind any profanity of being erotic

  • an independent mainstream independent esoteric culture against the shallow and materialistic lifestyle

  • the lukewarm response to sugar-sweet, anxious and commercially trimmed pink Age

  • a blatant affront against secretive, magical traditions

  • an internal and external revolt against scientism and loyalty to the state

  • the extensive invitingly lived realization that dark, the light creates

  • faith, option and open to subjective, magical experience much use above average emotional similarities

  • sounds like clothing as a magical means to tap the vast spiritual experience

  • the dark erotic energy as a constant companion of the day to day to use life

  • is the practical, orgasmic living philosophy of Satanism

  • is the ritualized hope and permanently lived invocation of invisible magic powers and entities

  • is the demonstration, advertising, and warning to narrow-minded, materialistic and narrow-minded fanatics

  • creates the alternative, magical islands in a rectified, sick and boring society

  • is the aggressive production to control demons of lust

  • is the willingness to fight for the ideals of the night

  • is the elitist Meeting of the black warrior to armed and ready to take control of dark powers

  • is the courage of his own shadow ride

  • the erotic pleasure satanic, magical fantasy visible, objective reality is to be let

Greetings X

- --------

yes, are you flat, what.
I particularly like the imagery. especially the "dark erotic energy" and the "demon of lust" are talking to everyone. The photographs and Express readers, who even then the pictures of Manuela Ruda (in paint on the cemetery) and naked Satanist cult sacrifice, kneeling before her veiled master, has brought down a secret.
okay, I might have the "experience far above emotional average speeds" (oh, there are more average than ONE!) Are not as stressed because I've asked this once, what one's used to do at the below-average intelligence.
but "to fight for the ideals of the night" would turn shawm sounded like sweet in the ears of every teenage, poetry zurechtkritzelnden outsiders "gossick" be. and who is always already frustrated by too little recognition, which is all too happy with the "elite" of the "black war" identify, even if it is just fat people with too much stage make-up, pseudo-angry grunzmusikhörer with "magic library" or exaggerated breasts-with-ass-intelligence vacuum container is, who meet once a year on the wgt.
really super prerequisites for wide popularity. has

the X in this newsgroup but not receive. Instead, call even loud when was the Gothic, then it would be time, the "gothic" to be removed from the title of the news group - the main thing is it would create "the Spacken" from the neck. because X was also not at all amused and then immediately withdrew the mitdiskutierenden arbitrarily the GothCard:

It just keeps getting horny, are now for you at once the people of the goth scene all Spacken? How can it be to be an absolute reside in a Gothic-enemy as long as such designated group? Was it not you at all clear what the goth scene?

no, it was not clear. I was a very different planet that would not even come on the edge of the orbit of X in contact. your bac is my bac, but I is not your gothic gothic.

but X was very accommodating and made it all again recorded in detail (quotes of the previous speaker are set in italics, notes of mine are underlined):

I mean, I like listening to Bauhaus, Virgin Prunes, Sex Gang Children and Christian Death
Gothic is not a genre, or even a musical style

well, first time I am happy about every newbie who thinks that, exceptionally not only gothic clothes and Satanism is - ie: hell, yes, and whether that has to do with a musical style! and secondly, contrary to X, the very next paragraph by features of the "real" gothic-music are listed :

but shall clearly a scene and associated lifestyle, as described above. The Gothic's a rather listen to music and bandwidth ranging from Death Metal to selected songs from the pop mainstream. They have in common texts clearly magical, esoteric content and corresponding stylistic expression and instrumentation. Gothics-songs are essentially based on the harmonic and choral structures of Celtic folklore and magical ritual chants, the text of ideas come along and from the major schools of magic
classic Gothic era, including the then dress and behavior. Goths gather for ritual reasons, the typical dance and movement behavior

also the courtship ?
Tranceritualien the medieval secret societies are borrowed.

goths take themselves as directly from the Middle Ages people incarnated true

the emotional nor the time of the Gothic Cultures are bound.
you often have the ability to go back to their previous lives, have more healing sized, psychic abilities

course they have this would be out for as the SENSE quarkgebrösel in the whole thing when it gifted normal whole, less interesting and only moderately people would have to operate like all other sex in missionary position and proceed to fuck the loo! - No, you will also want to contact this beauty can be special. For example, a thousand-year-old soul :
and my people recognize, that they involved more than a thousand years in very magical unearthly way.

but Eh ... somehow I seem to have missed the gothic development.
This has been in the goth scene from the outset, because there have been no development of anything. You have until today and probably not only knew what Gothic really is.

scholli my dear. I can accept that the so-called "goths" were originally nothing but a mixture of fine punk and new romantics. I can accept that today's "gothic" scene quite a shit has to do with what was in the 80s and early 90s as a waver and Goths began. that is verifiable, experienced, and sometimes sad reality.

why someone now has broken for THIS diffuse esoteric Satanism child-sex-rebellion-magic-mixture of all the term "gothic" under the nail, I shall forever remain a mystery. because even if you "gothic" translated and therefore receives the epoch of Gothic, not even the goths will have so stood beside him.

sometimes I'm damn glad that almost nobody knows what "Waver" are.
've now often hit his head on the table. makes me an 'nen bound to the bulge, right?