Wednesday, May 26, 2010

High Capacity Dvd Changer

sileno @ 2010-05-26T22:26:00

The My
                                               secure muses, who sees such illustrations for the first time:
What are the for ; Creatures? ;
are Silene .     
        in Majuskeln Singular Plural  
  In Latin characters SILENOI Silenos Silenoi
on Latin SILENI Silenus Sileni
in German SILENE of Silenus the Silene
These are characters who already knows the ancient Greek mythology. Silene are two-legged creature: navel-
up human form, navel down horse forms. The Silene love socializing, wine, dance, music
and everything else belongs to a peaceful, pleasurable hilarious and loving life.
                                                          So I chose me to my small and large
messenger of joy
Old Silene - Papasilene welcomed - considered life-wise, gentle and wise. you want to seer gifts have.
Such Silenus was the teacher and teachers of the Greek god Dionysus in his childhood and youth.
Later, the sensuous Silene are the companions and helpers of the adult "wine" - God.
Silene were praised for their artful flute. This shows their special musical ability.
The obvious versatile Silene are also Hephaestus, the god of fire and technical
arts helping hand.
Häufig wurden auf antiken Keramiken die stets unbekleideten Silene, an ihren Pferdeschweifen erkennbar, bei
ihrem Treiben abgebildet.          
The horse-faceted Silene ancient Greece lived in the Roman dominated Fine Art of Re-naissance
and then not have a rebirth.
The comparable Figures of the creative artists of the Renaissance, Baroque, Rococo and the following
following art periods are called now and again "Silene" but see the horned goat-like, shaggy
figures of satyrs, but now Satyressen and female together with their children.
look for - among others - to: P. di Cosomo, A. Carracci, Rubens, GDTiepolo, Clodion, H. Böcklin
; F. von Stuck, Hans Thoma, Norman Lindsay, etc.
As you can see here: I let the Silene act again!
role models for their male and female figures are the Silene that show up like this:
human are: Antltz with head and main- beard and hair, body, arms and
hands, posture and walking upright on two legs
; horses varied are: the ears, (back) legs with hooves, genital area, the tail
the shimmering fur that with the exception of the face and Huh be,
short haired, tight and even, in colors that we know of steeds,
; of Silene body and limbs protects and decorates.
If it is appropriate to, the Silene on their limbs as
; move other quadrupeds .
join obtain Thus the male Silenus ( Sileno ) the female Silena and Children:
                                                Copyright by          Silenolo                                   Silenella.  
text and drawings: Hans-Joachim Jähnichen
D-53343 Wachtberg on 9 March 2010

Monday, May 10, 2010

Get Well Poems Surgery


What do you think the lower age limit should be for LiveJournal and other social networks, and why? proposed

From [info] digital_jay

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I think one should only publish things that people can read or look at any age and allowed. Then may also view the people of all ages.

Putting Up Polystyrene Coving


Sunday, May 9, 2010

Welsh Kilts Welsh Kilts?


What do you think the lower age limit should be for LiveJournal and other social networks, and why?

Submitted By [info] digital_jay

View 708 Answers