Friday, November 21, 2003

Does Anthem Cover Mirena

multiple choice is not as multiple.

... but most likely dual.

have the elfboi (grüßle by the way) seen that the "LJ-Match" is, the funny single-leisure-attention-exchange-for-anything else diary writer. I thought, hey, is sometimes funny, carry you spontaneously. I had been busy for hours, since I very carefully considered spontaneity tend to sort that one dozens of times before turning around in my head and turns. I prepared so as to form since before filling.

but would not have been necessary. already on the first page you must specify whether you male or female is. I, as some friends know hate like the plague. but there was nothing else. So the idea ended up completely in the tub and I felt reminded me of situations in which one mating is extremely willing and want a rash rate due to the hormone or an incident in a split second to zero.

that is ... It was a third option - " couple . I'm clearly just a single person and I have no plans to change anything in it or the rest of the world confront as schizophrenic.

EDIT 2:38
auseinanderklamüsern the factual arguments made at another time. I got a phone call between them, and I'm too tired.
also I'm sure the topic will come back. You can take out gift all together.


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