Friday, January 29, 2010

Blueprints For The Lunar Module Destroyed?

Lotro: Epic problems

Azumas of Gondor! is currently busy in the skirmishes, level up to his latest favorite Todmacherwerkzeug. Nice side effects (I love efficiency) are the attractive Ausleveln skirmishes accompaniment (on LV65) and the additional Redeem XP stones for the favorite. She also now wears the title "Hero of ... Gold Tree City" and subtly shimmering blue. Thanks to its additional Orc loss, it glows in the approaching orcs in a light blue tone, they Warhaftig evokes the soul-devouring blade "Soul Reaver" of the undead Raziel. In short, Azumas like his weapon.

Epic Book Volume 1: Odyssey in Eriador
The first chapter of volume 1 centered on the support of the ring carrier and its A-team training in Rivendell. After the companions were passed to the pseudo-king Aragorn contender, Azumas got from Gondor! a task of utmost importance: watch over Eriador. Meh.
But no matter how boring task fearing Azumas rode from Gondor! to the end of the world to help in Angmarrr the Rangers. Even his selfless actions in Carrn Dooom could not prevent that allowed the stupidity of the people of the evil Mittelderde to strengthen even more. In the daring attempt, the Witch-king of false Angmarr Mordirith to , Was allowed to defeat the Witch-king fake slip and left for Sara Heart of Oak (old lame Hobbitin) a visionary bowling ball. At first glance, this was not a serious problem, but when she then Azumas of Gondor! resulted in their fortress, where they contact with Sauron (!) started and claimed sovereignty claims in Angmarr (!) as she turned and recognized as a champion Angmarrs weapons were Azumas (!!!) had to admit, to have screwed up.

a clever tactical retreat in the introduction, he later tried with the Rangers brainstorming operate. Since
information = power was even then (as well as ring = Power, more later ...), Azumas tried everything possible to learn about Amarthiel (weapons master). Across Eregion he verprpügelte Angmarim and found out that the lady 1) your Ring of Power had lost 2) to Evendim moved to locations with the bowling ball through the ring. So the villain rode to the unfriendly Rangers in Evendim to escalate the situation does not allow. How should it turn out, was pure wishful thinking. Azumas of Gondor! was a lieutenant in the Waffen Annuminas Dame capture in order to torture ... uh receive conscientious objections to important information about the lady. But the Rangers and had a stupid Elf named Laerdan intervene and the whole thing on make "their kind". They received the front end to bring the prisoner an extremely powerful relic that had strangely means that the prisoner could escape, killing a handful of Rangers. Laerdan went on in the meantime, get hold of the bowling ball itself, which ended in his capture. Azumas of Gondor! was fortunate to get the ball, unfortunately a little late, because the weapons lady had found the location of its ring: The Trollshaws.

tried after these disastrous events of the poor villain, at least to find the ring before the weapons Dame (which seemed to be an impossible task). Old friends such as the life partner of Aragorn, Elrond the half, unfortunately had to be consulted. in the Trollshaws he finally found the diary of Sara Heart of Oak, which reported on the ring, which would have hidden Laerdan. The secret place turned firmly Azumas found that this was still closed for years, no Angmarim nearby. A case of smelling, he still went to prison and experienced flashbacks of what really happened (Drama!): The daughter of Laerdan was after the Battle of Fornost by the spirit of the Champion Angmarr been affected. In fear for his daughter locked Laerdan a poor maid, took the ring Narchuil to him and instructed the Hobbit lady Sara Oakheart as nurses. Even before Laerdan could practice in Exorxismus, freed Mordirith Laerdan daughter from the walls, but could not find the ring. The possessed daughter went on the hunt for their tormentors and killed Sara oak heart to run later in their form through Middle Earth.
After all the flashbacks was Azumas suddenly locked in a cell, and the stupid lady sported a lieutenant in the arms so that the rogue they headed to the ring and this was now in possession of the wicked. Shit happens. To the surprise freed a useless Elf's legendary villains and it filed a progress report at Elrond the half. This was the century old advice to free Laerdan to grab the ring and to exorcise Laerdan daughter. The usual stuff.

says Ritter, the old villain direction Carrn Dooom to kind to knock on the door and free from the clutches of Laerdan Anmgarim. This worked well fortunately (the number of silly rangers and elves was too low) and Laerdan could even tell the location of the ring. Enthusiastic about the first real progress since ... an eternity of riding on motivated villain alone in the fortress of evil, to politely ask for the ring.

group instances vs pride
The story stops here, as the legendary villain has minor problems. In complete denial that I even drums in quest lines 15 levels below me must companions together, I try a Victory to devise their own. The following problem arises here: At the top of the tower sits a Angmarim Pyromancer, which has 30k morale. In addition to its classification as a Master Elite and the associated high Schadenausteilens he invokes repeatedly fire the character. This can easily be prevented by Azumas him repeatedly interrupts.
Another problem, he can automatically conjures ghosts, which silenced the Char. Thus Azumas not set the Elite sleep, so that he can regenerate in the meantime.
The main problem lies on the ground, where the Master Elite: it burns. Once you enter the ground, you get a highly damaging aura. Since the stationary opponents is, one can not lure him. It must be said if you go into the melee, very high harm in a short time, then retreat to safe ground, lull your opponent and regenerate. This could have been making for so long until the enemy is dead, but as I said let the spirits fall silent one, so that one may effectively secure 3 minutes.
Yes, of course, ask a single hunter short and watch him as he easily defeated the boss would be the rational option. But the sheer thought of using to receive a hunter, the rogue already turning to the stomach. Thus, you must go out to get the best of the situation. A few thoughts: play

hunter: Armorers can build throwing axes. The strongest ax does 50 damage. If one assumes that at least half of the damage is caused by the axes, would make the 300 axes. An ax has a cooldown of 10 seconds, which only makes 50 minutes for throwing the axes alone. Cumbersome, expensive to produce. increase

damage: The legendary sword of the damage has been exhausted. In AH I follow scrolls, buff the melee. Much can not be out of there. increase

survival: the villain's morale is currently at 4200th An attack on the villain it costs about 1500 morale, the opponent loses 8000 best morality. That's enough for just half the morale of the enemy. If morality could be further increased, one would have 2 / 3 or even more entprügeln the enemy. Good.

boost morale is officially the new goal of the modern villain.

Legendary weapons recycling office
As I push again virtues Grind in the distant future, I look for alternative ways to increase morale. In the AH, I can bid for other items with vitality and + morality, and craft symbols for the legendary weapon and the rogue bag. By relic master can let his relics high combiner, the last stage of the relics are among others with a sign +200 Morale. If we choose could fit into the two legendary items that would be at once a good deal more moral.
Well, the relics arise only from dismantled legendary items. And since you always need to combine 5, one can estimate how many you need 9 levels. The whole thing is complicated due to randomness of the resulting relics, so that there is no guarantee that the LV9 relic is what you want.
I wondered always what to do with the tons of miniature tools and weapons for boards to LV60. Here, the answer was obvious: recycling. For several days I equip four legendary weapons on the free slots, they levele in the skirmish to level 4-7 and take them apart. It usually entpringen LV1 relics, rarely higher. After about 50 weapons destroyed and its combinations, I'm on a handful of relics arrived at LV6. Meh.
I have done that, however, continue until I run out of dwarf tools. Another sign of how much I hate the virtues grind ...

free update Band3, Yay or nay?
Even as of this writing short (...) contribution came the news that band (soon?) 3 in the near future as a free update will be available (strange announcement, fearing for the latest "Fantasy" Launch of Star Trek Online?) . The previously announced
content, however, was extreme Meh.

four skirmishes be revamped in the 12 man raid version, so that is something more to claim it. There are no new skirmishes, which are referred to the 4 skirmish in Mirkwood. I'm just not sure if that way if you want to play. The superior race of the Raider does not want to boring (read: no Uberloot) Rumschlag skirmishes, the casual player finds the current solo skirmishes too long, what to with 12 people that need to be coordinated in Teamspeak operate as they would have open-heart? For me it is safe garnix.

A new stage and Crafts new items for the do it yourself. Certainly welcome, but again which reminds me to finally spend my bark craft levels ... but you have to see the glass half full: the new ore for the next stage will sell extremely expensive in the first few days, because I smell a great business.

That's it. No new area with new weapons and horses, epic story continues, which can help out the Rangers in the old areas must (gääähn). Had the free update is not already in the paid expansion of Mirkwood to be available?

Oh she can talk to the marketing and Rohan construct as soon as possible, the way to Gondor's long enough.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Muscle Building Powder Drinks Under 18 Years

Lotro: I love gooooold

hobbies should be placed far away from his wretched money purchase activity to create a certain balance. bring my accumulated knowledge of market and making me money, fortunately, one or the other coin in the till, which is dependent squandered in the Arts.
So far so good, but how great is the temptation when one of the Tauschändler waving his current active play MMO, pointing to the auction house?

The root of all evil: Desire
Azumas of Gondor! was a happy, simple rogue with claims to power before the Mirkwood extension. He crept through the depths of Khazad-Dooom killed here and there and an ore was mainly concerned with the forging of deadly objects.
Then, one fateful day patch was extended to South-South Mirkwood, and raised the maximum level by 5. Also, changes were made to the classes and game mechanics, so were rogues took a third of their damage and generally beat to each class in combat more often than before the patch. The damage of the weapons was unified, a dagger now did the same damage as a mace, the harm to the aTo mace dropped significantly. The consequences for the poor rogues of Gondor were devastating: Its decreased damage it took longer to destructive set to kill Mirkwood Orcs. The longer fight duration and the faster attacks its power declined rapidly. As a result, the old man could just confront a group of 3 minions before he had to take a break and take a bite to eat. It was so bad that even possible with a pocket full of power-enhancing foods no longer fight was. A known CoV'sches phenomenon was seen with the Mirkwood: Devs hate villains.

Now, from this dark time (...) the desire grew for the old feel of the pre-South-South Mirkwood. Nostalgic of the gray man raved about his deadly terrorist attacks in Moria's legendary deeds, where he beat alone with some stupid dwarfs as a handicap by the Orkwellen Mazog. How could he reach the old glory again?
research on various forums had revealed the weakness of the forest was an "ordinary" rogue state under and could be fixed "easily". One could move his virtues Kraftregenerieren, Level 10, one would notice the difference. Only ... Rogues are not virtuous. My virtues were so low, the cost of killing gray beings without any causal connection with my breath I could not get through (...). The power problems would also be solved "without effort" by his defense of power (Damage) on fate / will (for regeneration) surrounded. Preferred items were from 6 Inis Drops in Moria and Mirkwood, or even called the 12 raids. Very simple. Since my high Moria quest reward armor than felt good enough, I pushed the problem away and tried to solve the damage problem.

the damage you could take back just as a villain (in my humble opinion one of the main characteristics of a stalker class) by wegschmiss his weapon and a LV65 legendary weapon used. This would be the damage just to the level of a weapon before the patch LV60 ranreichen (!!!), if you "I want more!" should do cry, there which would be quite fine: A second weapon era! The devs were even so kind and had these weapons made erschmiedbar about the craft, since the arms Schmieder happy heart! Soon the ingredients were identified. A couple of Khazad-iron bars were not a problem, the few blades and handles just as little, 2 Mithril bars ... Hurm. A scale was expensive, but wars also logical, they wanted to create a strong weapon of high quality. Legendary five fragments were obtained from the fragmentation of the legendary weapons from 61, so this was a matter of time. Lacked only a symbol of Celebrimbor. Never like this, one quickly researched and found: A rare drop from the 6 or 12 Ini in Mirkwood. Damn bastards. classified

It's a rich man's world
Without going into the elite ranks of the Raider me to do (and probably not even possible with my modest equipment), I just watched the auction house. Yes, the icon was traded, so I could buy only the power of gold work übersrpingen and the symbol ... almost. The first awards were about 200 gold for a simple rogue with hardly 5 gold in the bag were the other worlds. The brief thought lost, acted as the offer to demand, and thereby determined the lifetime of the ausseridischen price is right, me ... dark (yes, the synonyms are not useful). Following would happen in the near future: The Raider would equip themselves first, and only then throw the thing on the market. Only values were low and the drop in forging the second era gun laws were the same as with all legendary items: You had to win once you identify the good / desired attributes. You could compare it to Lotto, only the 6 here (winning the symbol; dice against the whole raid) is to identify in a blank turn, if you only get drawn against junk. Therefore, it was very possible that it took several symbols per professional Raider, before you even consider the first preferred to sell the icon. Furthermore, was the life of the contents Raider, MegaLoot Uberlordset of the epic, in Mirkwood worse than in Moria (Dev'scher humor?) And the probability of Todgrindens by Raider was smaller than in Moria times.

Well, the views were on a price fall of one symbol (as a certain popular ring?) So low, the next wave of devaluation with a book update in March rather than February probably. What a scoundrel did in those moments? To earn an armor in Moria, raiden Mirkwood, armor repair power and spy on his luck in the 6 Inis for a symbol? He went

And every day greets the Mathi
skirmishes are great. Solo is the difficulty deep enough so that you can cope with his pet, the masses of enemies without much force. Various rewards are ES when skirmishes dealer, among other things, a completely worthless armor for LV65, class items, crafts Splitter, XP runes for weapons and scrolls for the revaluation of the attributes. Moment, a scroll, the attribute levels of improved weapons, but everyone wants? A small check in the AH brought a proud retail price of over 10 gold a scroll! forth. After by a highly computational methods, the best Mützel the shortest time for the exchange of the scrolls have been determined, the powerless Rogue opened to free Middle Earth from Morrdorrs skirmish points. He packed his bag still full of legendary Schurkenkram to later break up the leveled weapons and to steal the relics.

After a few days, where the process was optimized on a scroll per day, was officially Azumas rich. So rich that he gave the money to work now: The AH was thinned out to buy goods cheap and sell high, artificial shortages were created with the sheer purchasing power of a villain, only to profit from it gröstmöglichen beat. Attention was paid to trends, where as the exploit is to run their exploits the necessary items to a "risky worthwhile" price offered. Angrily, you had to watch a couple of days later, as the Devs permabannten the rich buyers from the game. Interestingly,
were "atypical" sales on the AH observed, and soon I found a page that gold for real money among the people brought. Deliciously amused at the feeble-minded high exchange rate of real money to lotrischen gold, I had a moment later shudder at the thought, if the devs would notice yourself how much money they would get out with an extensive item shop.
course love kids! gold for money is illegal, so beautiful the hands off! Just by googling "open anonümes Bankondo Schweitzer" by you will not get new LCD TV.

Here is a picture of Azumas of Gondor! As he tries to cope with the mess of the burst wallet with a legendary rotglimmenden Tabakpfeiffe.

Thanks to the defense and the "more powerful" jewelry from the AH its endurance is at least doubled. The ugly image in the gleaming sword leaves the way Aragorn, Rivendell residents useless guest rooms, green with envy:

Only the weapons of title from the golden tree city, and the world sees the villains from Gondor! again of legendary from.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Jewel De Nyles Last Movie Streaming

2010, the most desired games

The obvious conclusion to the old year I will get a glimpse into the future and list the games, which this year will entertain the world. Although the trend is the sequels, there are one or two titles that could bring some fresh wind in our habits.

list of known offenders

MAG (PS3, 26/01/10)
MAG is an online shooter where up to 256 players on one battlefield to compete against each other. This week gabs an open beta, and my few laps might have surprised me.
You can choose from three military factions that differ slightly in their weapons. There is no story per se, the factions are fighting all over the world for supremacy, you just jump into the battlefield and strictly complies with the objectives. The groups are held stereotypical: a technologised € group, a traditionally strong Ami militarized version and an Asian amateur troupe. Of course, I took the "terrorist group" and created my own Char from small choices. After that I could change my equipment a little, and you could enter with 3 "classes": Meat Shield, supporters and healers. The manual with all the declarations of jumping I chose a battlefield, and a few seconds later I was in the army overview. The first Battlefield was at 128 people, ie 64 vs. 64th The troops were divided into 8 groups, 2 groups each had a goal. For instance, took the first 2 troops from an important position and off the air monitoring while taking the other 2 groups of an outpost. Once targets A and B were taken, appeared as a new target the acquisition of its main item. Since the air monitoring was turned off, you could select as a new spawn point near the target Falschirmsprung C.
The fighting was kept realistic. No unnecessary visual marker, the radar shows the direction from which surpluses were heard. The soldiers had very little life, regenerates even if they do not took cover. Each soldier could be equipped with a Medicare syringe, brought back very little life over time. No excessive spamming grenades was to determine the people went to more careful with the lead. The bigger battleground offered many freedoms and you could accompany each position, so it was no camping, where a fraction was completely overrun. Each group had a team leader, could give the commands and was able to set each group a battle leader who some points on the map. However, because an open beta was, and the most wanted items, visit only stayed fast, no one to commands.
replaced at the end of each round to experience personal accomplishments (Healing are taking, killing, etc) and the victory of their faction. So you can equip weapons (eg help with me a target for the AK47) and buy new skills. It also increases in the level, which enables one to visit new battle fields or even to play the battle leader of the group.
All in all a solid game, but not a must-have. I'm not the greatest shooter specialist, but the big battlefield coupled with the somewhat more realistic war scenario makes this game entertaining. I buy some time at a budget price.

Mass Effect 2 (PC, X360 28.0110)
Schpärd is back! The first part very quickly blossomed into one of my favorite games. To the story was funny, too real, the constant exploitation of the Spectre "Judge Dredd" Schpärd to entertaining the small talk with the crew. Bioware tinkered here quickly a sci-fi universe, which was packed with clever details. As you can forgive the boring ball and the non-taxable Planetenbuggie. A good sci-fi story is found in our times hard enough as it is dependent on the difficulty of Easy and has fun with the story.
The info that you can take memory data from the first part, make me present to my Vanguard Schpärd play through again. With the Game + can you go to keep its current level and the equipment and continue leveling. With the new class will be my strength Schpärd be absolutely unstoppbar. The battles seem to have become even more attractive and dynamic, so I get involved this time out. New potential crew members ( or Schpärd's Harem ) can be even more abstruse situations on the Normandy!
for short story: the events of Mass Effect 2 will destroy the Normandy at the beginning and Schpärd dies in his escape capsule. His body was ill-gotten by the pro-human terrorist group Cerberus and Schpärd is revived with the mission to uncover the unknown attacks on human colonies in the galaxy. Nice detail: in my history is the only Schpärd Survivors of an "accident" on a colony, where a giant worm, killed 50 people. Later found out my Schpärd in Mass Effect 1, that Cerberus experiments conducted on these beasts and that was the massacre of their guilt. Cerberus will regret to have revived my Schpärd ...
Did I mention that they Infliltrator the class with stealth ! have expanded and we as a crew member can take a god damned bombers? I'm lovin it.
Must Must-Buy.

Bioshock (PC, X360, PS3 08/02/10)
Bioshock was awesome. Think of Mad Men in an underwater world from the attempt of a utopian society, kläglisch fails. Years later we visited the ruined underwater city of Rapture and trying to decipher the tragedy of audio cassettes. In first-person view, with numerous genetically mutated people trapped in a giant gold fish glass and a handful of people who have long gone insane. Adorable.
In Bioshock 2 should be the role of a take on "Big Daddy", a heavily armored people pay attention to that a little girl who moves with spraying stuff from dead people. The story in the first part was a complete success and actually completed, so I doubt anything about the second part. The atmosphere because I will revisit Rapture , But the strict sense that this could be the milking of a good title (Up Part 5 by planned ...).

Heavy Rain (PS3, 28.02.10)
Heavy Rain is a film noir adventure with a very flexible history. You try the mystery of the origami killer who kidnaps little boys and then be found dead with an origami in your hand blaspheme uncover. The story is told from the perspective of four characters. An old served Dedektiv, an FBI agent with addiction problems, a distinguished reporter and a father whose family on his son's death is broken. In contrast to the Adventures that is not a point-click Kombinierspielchen, but it moves and interacts with the environment in a few controller movements. The story is made up of one's own decisions, so that not even a death of the 4 main characters to the classic "Game Over" out. There is no Game Over, so to speak, when all the characters die, so will the story.
Hach, I love drama. Heavy Rain seems perfekteter excursion into the depths of human will to , and I can imagine a thousand wonderful scenes with the character constellation. A must-buy that will determine its history, whether it is masterpiece or disaster.

GOD OF WAR 3 (PS3 16.0310)
The God of War settles in Greek mythology, and explains why they do not but everything got done in our time. The main reason for this is Kratos, the Spartan, which was collected and used by the gods as instruments of war and killed his family in the frenzy. Even in God of War 1 and 2 was allowed to take over the role of Kratos and get revenge against the gods. Now comes the third part of the resolution and the climax of the epic, which Kratos at the end of the second part was with a group of Titans (!) On the climb to Mount Olympus by Zeus (!!), his mind to say.
Probably the best action adventure epic, and this year , I would do such uncompromising force in all fantasy (No Bioware, your stylized "American Psycho" Blood spatter in Dragon Age are just embarrassing) and long for the hours full of dying gods.

Yakuza 3 (PS3, 11:03:10)
Already released in Japan last year, is that "Japan GTA" a crime drama action adventure about a former Mafiosi, the catches the past. I sincerely hope that the original Japanese voices are left in the game and you get subtitles. Maybe not a must-buy, but I just love stories Japanese history and this seems to be aware of his strengths.

Mafia 2 (PC, X360, PS3 22.04.10)
That's right, a Mafia game. The continuation the first part, the weakened playful, but caught the Mafia feeling very well. Now comes the sequel , and how to say because no? The last strip was good Mafia ... exactly in the last century. A nostalgic dream.

Red Redemption Dead (PC, X360, PS3 29.04.10)
Next, the tour of the revitalized genre. Red Dead Redemption is the sequel to the spaghetti Westerns of Rockstar (the makers of the GTA series), and it looks damn good . Even the riding is a reason to buy, combined with the divine life of rock star, grab a whole genre in a game, this will be simply fantastic.

The uncertain Data

Gran Turismo 5 (PS3, some point ... cause of the Apocalypse)
repeatedly postponed, promised this year. Salvation for the 4-wheel enthusiasts, recently with new details: over 1000 trucks in the game, online races with 16 people. Damage model.
Dear friends kneeling, and praying for the appearance of our Prophet .

Last Guardian (PS3)
The makers of exceptional game "Shadow of Colossus" tinker on a new game and it will appear on the PS3. A small boy and a giant winged cat in "The Last Guardian. No information about the content so far, why also ... it does not have anything for the head of his .

The Goddamn Batman 2 - Arkham Asylum (PC, X360, PS3)
The sequel has already been announced. That was nearly half a year after the release of the extremely successful first part? If the second part is really appear already this year ... Holy Heart Failure, Batman!

City of Heroes Going Rogue (PC, 2Q10)
My first and favorite MMO with new content, which sound a hell for what! Because the Devs come from another dimension, can be judged only wirs "if we finished." I hate tea.

DC Universe Online (PC, PS3)
After the handle into the toilet with her Champions Online from Cryptic yet only one contender left. Since a lot of time at the "when its done" Coh has information policy, you can also learn about DC Online. DC will have a more recent addition to the unbeatable Batman graphics engine and game mechanics. A classless system and an open pool forces similar to Champions Online, a part of modern interpretation (Champions failed at balancing). Finally, it has a story technically meaningful PVP (a variable can include heroes and villains who pursue their goals), I had actually expected even in City of Heroes.
For some time no new details have emerged, at E3 it will certainly be more to the Release Date. Allen appears to be very close to 2010th

APB (PC Spring 10)
Another MMO. This time, graphically compelling drama of big city crime ... nay, it is GTA Online . A huge character editor aufmotzbare cart and the dream of the undercover cop who moves with his Mitsubishi Eclipse Gangsta Kids around the pile is too perfect to be true.

Demon's Souls (PS3, Hope for Europe?)
In Japan and the U.S. have appeared, one looks for Europe are not a publisher. Yes, a dark fantasy RPG with a sadistic punishment is not for the principle the will-less thumb-generation Wii. After reports of the difficulty is not unfair, just consistent. A sword hit in the chest here is fatal wounding, as well as a tamper reduce by a troll up to a nice lump of blood and bones. If a fire-breathing sets sail circles over the bridge, one should use his shield as fire cover ...

The first "small" Merge of 2010. The wallet will cry.