Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Muscle Building Powder Drinks Under 18 Years

Lotro: I love gooooold

hobbies should be placed far away from his wretched money purchase activity to create a certain balance. bring my accumulated knowledge of market and making me money, fortunately, one or the other coin in the till, which is dependent squandered in the Arts.
So far so good, but how great is the temptation when one of the Tauschändler waving his current active play MMO, pointing to the auction house?

The root of all evil: Desire
Azumas of Gondor! was a happy, simple rogue with claims to power before the Mirkwood extension. He crept through the depths of Khazad-Dooom killed here and there and an ore was mainly concerned with the forging of deadly objects.
Then, one fateful day patch was extended to South-South Mirkwood, and raised the maximum level by 5. Also, changes were made to the classes and game mechanics, so were rogues took a third of their damage and generally beat to each class in combat more often than before the patch. The damage of the weapons was unified, a dagger now did the same damage as a mace, the harm to the aTo mace dropped significantly. The consequences for the poor rogues of Gondor were devastating: Its decreased damage it took longer to destructive set to kill Mirkwood Orcs. The longer fight duration and the faster attacks its power declined rapidly. As a result, the old man could just confront a group of 3 minions before he had to take a break and take a bite to eat. It was so bad that even possible with a pocket full of power-enhancing foods no longer fight was. A known CoV'sches phenomenon was seen with the Mirkwood: Devs hate villains.

Now, from this dark time (...) the desire grew for the old feel of the pre-South-South Mirkwood. Nostalgic of the gray man raved about his deadly terrorist attacks in Moria's legendary deeds, where he beat alone with some stupid dwarfs as a handicap by the Orkwellen Mazog. How could he reach the old glory again?
research on various forums had revealed the weakness of the forest was an "ordinary" rogue state under and could be fixed "easily". One could move his virtues Kraftregenerieren, Level 10, one would notice the difference. Only ... Rogues are not virtuous. My virtues were so low, the cost of killing gray beings without any causal connection with my breath I could not get through (...). The power problems would also be solved "without effort" by his defense of power (Damage) on fate / will (for regeneration) surrounded. Preferred items were from 6 Inis Drops in Moria and Mirkwood, or even called the 12 raids. Very simple. Since my high Moria quest reward armor than felt good enough, I pushed the problem away and tried to solve the damage problem.

the damage you could take back just as a villain (in my humble opinion one of the main characteristics of a stalker class) by wegschmiss his weapon and a LV65 legendary weapon used. This would be the damage just to the level of a weapon before the patch LV60 ranreichen (!!!), if you "I want more!" should do cry, there which would be quite fine: A second weapon era! The devs were even so kind and had these weapons made erschmiedbar about the craft, since the arms Schmieder happy heart! Soon the ingredients were identified. A couple of Khazad-iron bars were not a problem, the few blades and handles just as little, 2 Mithril bars ... Hurm. A scale was expensive, but wars also logical, they wanted to create a strong weapon of high quality. Legendary five fragments were obtained from the fragmentation of the legendary weapons from 61, so this was a matter of time. Lacked only a symbol of Celebrimbor. Never like this, one quickly researched and found: A rare drop from the 6 or 12 Ini in Mirkwood. Damn bastards. classified

It's a rich man's world
Without going into the elite ranks of the Raider me to do (and probably not even possible with my modest equipment), I just watched the auction house. Yes, the icon was traded, so I could buy only the power of gold work übersrpingen and the symbol ... almost. The first awards were about 200 gold for a simple rogue with hardly 5 gold in the bag were the other worlds. The brief thought lost, acted as the offer to demand, and thereby determined the lifetime of the ausseridischen price is right, me ... dark (yes, the synonyms are not useful). Following would happen in the near future: The Raider would equip themselves first, and only then throw the thing on the market. Only values were low and the drop in forging the second era gun laws were the same as with all legendary items: You had to win once you identify the good / desired attributes. You could compare it to Lotto, only the 6 here (winning the symbol; dice against the whole raid) is to identify in a blank turn, if you only get drawn against junk. Therefore, it was very possible that it took several symbols per professional Raider, before you even consider the first preferred to sell the icon. Furthermore, was the life of the contents Raider, MegaLoot Uberlordset of the epic, in Mirkwood worse than in Moria (Dev'scher humor?) And the probability of Todgrindens by Raider was smaller than in Moria times.

Well, the views were on a price fall of one symbol (as a certain popular ring?) So low, the next wave of devaluation with a book update in March rather than February probably. What a scoundrel did in those moments? To earn an armor in Moria, raiden Mirkwood, armor repair power and spy on his luck in the 6 Inis for a symbol? He went

And every day greets the Mathi
skirmishes are great. Solo is the difficulty deep enough so that you can cope with his pet, the masses of enemies without much force. Various rewards are ES when skirmishes dealer, among other things, a completely worthless armor for LV65, class items, crafts Splitter, XP runes for weapons and scrolls for the revaluation of the attributes. Moment, a scroll, the attribute levels of improved weapons, but everyone wants? A small check in the AH brought a proud retail price of over 10 gold a scroll! forth. After by a highly computational methods, the best Mützel the shortest time for the exchange of the scrolls have been determined, the powerless Rogue opened to free Middle Earth from Morrdorrs skirmish points. He packed his bag still full of legendary Schurkenkram to later break up the leveled weapons and to steal the relics.

After a few days, where the process was optimized on a scroll per day, was officially Azumas rich. So rich that he gave the money to work now: The AH was thinned out to buy goods cheap and sell high, artificial shortages were created with the sheer purchasing power of a villain, only to profit from it gröstmöglichen beat. Attention was paid to trends, where as the exploit is to run their exploits the necessary items to a "risky worthwhile" price offered. Angrily, you had to watch a couple of days later, as the Devs permabannten the rich buyers from the game. Interestingly,
were "atypical" sales on the AH observed, and soon I found a page that gold for real money among the people brought. Deliciously amused at the feeble-minded high exchange rate of real money to lotrischen gold, I had a moment later shudder at the thought, if the devs would notice yourself how much money they would get out with an extensive item shop.
course love kids! gold for money is illegal, so beautiful the hands off! Just by googling "open anonümes Bankondo Schweitzer" by you will not get new LCD TV.

Here is a picture of Azumas of Gondor! As he tries to cope with the mess of the burst wallet with a legendary rotglimmenden Tabakpfeiffe.

Thanks to the defense and the "more powerful" jewelry from the AH its endurance is at least doubled. The ugly image in the gleaming sword leaves the way Aragorn, Rivendell residents useless guest rooms, green with envy:

Only the weapons of title from the golden tree city, and the world sees the villains from Gondor! again of legendary from.


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