Friday, December 17, 2010

Trash Talking Phrases

Ernest Vardanyan was sentenced to 15 years

people, so we can not leave! what can I do? via

[info] araksi
Supreme Court sentenced the journalist Transnistria "New Region" to 15 years for espionage
Supreme Court Dniester Moldovan Republic (DMR) was sentenced on Thursday accused the journalist of spying RIA "New Region" Vardanean to 15 years in prison without confiscation of property to be served in the colony.

International analyst of Russian Information Agency "New Region" Ernest Vardanyan was arrested on the territory of DMR on 7 April. As it became known that he was detained by local security services on charges of "treason" in favor of Moldova to the detriment of the external security of the breakaway republic.

Vardanyan court found guilty under article 271 of the Criminal Code of MTCT (treason) and sentenced to 15 years in prison without confiscation of property to be served in the colony, said in a release sent on Friday at RIA Novosti news agency reported the court.

The report notes that during trial the defendant admitted his guilt completely. Meanwhile, in the spring of the internet was made public appeal Vardanyan, in which the journalist asked the help of his family and to believe in his innocence, even if it is a slander on the video or publicly in the courts.

"For God's sake, help my wife and children, without which I can not imagine my life (I Vardanean two teenage children - 6-year-old son and year old daughter). I am forced to confess to espionage and treason homeland in favor of Moldova. Carefully beaten and threatened with even more sophisticated torture - leaves no traces. Threatened prosecution and arrest of my wife, poured on her dirt. Threaten physical harm to his wife and children "- said in a statement issued on behalf of Vardanean in" Live Journal ".

"I'm not a spy, and no one cheated, I just told the truth for the sake of improving the lives of ordinary people, - the circulation. - But this is precisely the interrogations put to me in guilt: "Sam is to blame, we'll have warned many times that you do not talk too much, but now it's too late for this to come back." Vardanyan also states that "interrogations filmed and staged most of the behind the scenes. "" I beg you not to believe in me attributed to the authorities and investigative bodies treason and espionage. Here are forced to admit anyone and anything ... Believe in my innocence, even if I will stipulate themselves on videotape or publicly in the courts "- the statement says.

The blog states that the appeal" transmitted orally and through written with sympathetic civil servant in the organs Public Safety Dniester Moldavian Republic.

As reported previously CEO of RIA "New Region" Alexander Shchetinin, Ernest Vardanyan was not a staff member of the agency, and worked under a contract with the sphere of its activity was not a territory of Transnistria.

"in the" new Region, "Ernest Vardanyan engaged exclusively in international topics not related to the TMR," - said Alexander Shchetinin. "According to my information, most shortly Ernest Vartanian had to get an appointment at the Russian Mission to the United Nations (UN) in New York. More last summer, he passed all the necessary procedures, ie the Russian intelligence services have checked it thoroughly. Not sure what the intelligence services of TMR have more opportunities to test than Russia, "- said director general HP.

April 21 heads of missions of the European Union in Moldova signed a joint a statement which expressed concern over the actions of self-proclaimed Transnistrian authorities in relation to the journalist Ernest Vardanyan, arrested by Transnistrian security services.

In support of the arrested journalists were also made by officials of Moldova, Armenia, Russia and a number of international human rights organizations.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union a few lying on the left bank of the Dniester region of Moldova, funky Statements radicals in Chisinau on the possibility of accession of Moldova to Romania, announced the creation of Dniester Moldavian Republic. Moldovan authorities have not agreed with this decision and tried to send troops to the unrecognized republic, and then began an armed conflict that lasted several months.

Transnistria continues to seek independence, Moldova does not agree and offer broad autonomy. Negotiations with the participation of international mediators in the format "5 +2" format (Moldova, Transnistria, Russia, Ukraine, OSCE, as well as observers - the EU and USA) suspended in February 2006.

Currently, peacekeeping operation in Transnistria implement joint peacekeeping force, which includes 402 Russian servicemen, 492 - Transnistria, 355 - Moldova and ten military observers from Ukraine. Service peacekeepers are 15 stationary posts and CAT, which are placed on key areas of the security zone.


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