Sunday, November 15, 2009

Continental Unsecure Loan

A Stalker's Tale

After my LiveJournal detailed background review to Ilayda Haradri has swallowed many words of anger and pulled up, I wanted to write for a while no writings on the platform of the devil. But the steady Foranschreiten of Azumas of Gondor! cried almost for a documentary.

story so far
Azumas was commissioned by Aragay to repair a legendary sword. To this end he had to get a thing in Evendim that at the bottom of the lake was. The Rangers were initially wary of wanting to help a rogue with mace, but then completed without any Azumas Skruppel the dirty work of the Rangers, they said, would be a sign of loyalty (...). In any case Azumas was to a water body inferiority complexes geschickt, und wie jede Frau suchte sie nach Anerkennung und toten Feuersalamandern. Als Meister der Täuschung konnte Azumas das Vertrauen der Wasserleiche gewinnen und sie pumpte bereitwillig das Wasser aus der Grabesstätte, wo das Ding für Aragay wäre. Mit einer Truppe von leichtgläubigen Gefährten machte sich Azumas auf, das Ding zu klauen. Wie es sich herausstellte, war das Grab nicht wirklich leer, Grabräuber, Würmer, trollähnliche Dinger und eine Riesenschildkröte stellten sich in seinen Weg. Mit der Weisheit von unzähligen Schlachten konnte Azumas die Star Trek Schilde der Riesenschildkröte zerstören und das Vieh töten. Mit dem Ding für Aragay gings zurück nach Bruchtal, wo die Elfen "sein" Sword forged. Azumas of Gondor! could be there, but Aragay had brought his A-team with his lover Elrond and Gandalf the Grey. Unfortunately, only the double of Liv Tyler present and the sword was too well guarded, so did the nimble hands of Azumas unused.
The Elves of Rivendell but had other jobs, which involves finding an alluvial Nazguls in the Trollshaws. So could Azumas hit by hordes of trolls, giants and dragons and the elves with ears can fully speak wisdom, until he could finally put together with Legoland, the Nazgul. The Nazgul was just billaterale contracts with the forest trolls, and was not "amused" about the appearance a legendary villain. By Unfähgikeit of Legoland to shoot an arrow straight, escaped the Nazgul, but the evil troll forest was killed by Azumas. While Legoland ran howling to Aragay had to clean up the mess Azumas in the Misty Mountains, apparently was the Nazgul then fled.
The Misty Mountains was cold and full of Bill Wisse. The good dwarves there Azumas gave a tip might be the Aufennthaltsort the evil dwarves, and the Nazgul, and as Gimli the dwarf would necessarily, as it was with Azumas (waist-high) shield. Once again angry dwarves were killed, one was finally on the doorstep of the Nazgûl. Just when Azumas through a back entrance to the hiding wanted to sneak in and assassinate the Nazgul, had Dummli the soul from body screaming and challenge the Nazgul to fight. How come it had to sent the Nazgul Skorgrím (evil reanimated dwarf) before and skin. In the end they had killed a dwarf, who was slain before a couple of centuries and the Nazgul was still on the run. Azumas vowed to take no more ring companions and he shuddered at the thought that this group were the last hope of Middle Earth.
Azumas of Gondor! attached itself to the further failure on the heels of the Nazgûl, and found his abstruse plan. A well-preserved dragon legends after several days and nights with Durin (Dwarf good boss) had fought and was eventually found dead, should be revived and Rivendell are torched it. Even if the thought of seeing flames in Rivendell, Azumas were not unreasonable, he remained true to its mission and set out with some world-weary companions succumbed to the Nazgul. Quick Azumas noticed that the legends of the dragons were not so wrong.
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speed was announced as the undead colleague from the Nazgul was the dragon on revive. But the gates were locked to the platform of the ceremony, and so the companions had to brave through hordes of Angmar villains, and fight ghosts, warmzureiben about some statues, which logically opened the gates. As Azumas to the Nazgul, approached the very great dragon was revived with an antique Defribillator of undead colleagues ... shit happens.
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But the dragon did not obey his master and flew away just as the undead colleague remained fled to the Nazgul, and thus nothing more than to make the fight. Azumas companions were petrified by the whole scene was scared, but the wily scoundrel stole the Nazgul approached and surprised him with a vicious blow. An epic battle ensued between the Black Riders and Azumas with the nameless horse, at the end of the Nazgul lost his physical form and officials back to Morrrdorrr. Azumas picked up the rags of the Nazgul and Elrond threw it as evidence in the feet, which Azumas entlohnte.Gekränkt with far too little silver pieces he rode to Forochel, where there were no greedy elves.

comment to the "old" Endgame LV40-50
Azumas of Gondor! LV46 now. Leveling in LOTRO is very fast, much faster than in City of Villains / Heroes. Evendim offered to him after several solo tasks from 35, it was more difficult with the 40 solo levels. Two areas were being considered here, Angmarrr in the north of the North Downs and Misty Mountains north of Rivendell.

The Witch King of Angmarrr To abide Carrrn Doooom, and I envy him for that. A wonderful area with a very dead natural world and harsh rock formations, with a beautiful red sky. The whole thing kept to very dark, particularly when it sensed ... the perfect place for romantic dates.
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So more than suitable for Azumas as to buy a small plot of land and settle down? Not at all. The quest began at 43 on, and a good number of them were group tasks. Thanks to his class, he was able to sneak some rogue quest and solve ampoules, but at some point of nausea came over the construction of the quests. As opponents have been placed so close that Pullen was impossible. Dragons had Feuerauren, so that stealth was too cumbersome. Elites and so many Elites. So I left that area in the hope of the Misty Mountains would be better.

Misty Mountains
mid 42 I moved with Azumas the Misty Mountains, snow landscapes are indeed my favorite. Azumas had a reconnaissance ride to Forochel in the 30's behind them, and I must say that Forochel was far prettier. We also see that the Misty Mountains earlier in the game, the transition from the Misty Mountains, Rivendell runs much less liquid than to Evendim Forochel. The area is snow and ... that's it. Many many muuuch Bill Wisse. The dwarves give as some quests, and these seem to be harder than Angmarrr. Self designated as a solo quest quests I would rate as a small group would be an example as a box, which is guarded by evil dwarfs. The box has the elite (...), dwarf in his pocket while he was 2 (!) Guards have around. Azumas can euthanize the elite for 30 seconds while it can blind one of the guards with dust kills (less damage with accuracy debuff) and the second guard. During the fight with the remaining of the elite guard wakes up (30 seconds is too short), it can once again kill Azumas puzzles (by skill reset, the puzzles would invite too long) and the guard. Now, Azumas consumes a lot of his skills and must have a Elite, which has more than doubled to kill morale. The fight I can therefore take a long time, I can allow myself a little break with another puzzle. The damage of the Elites is too high and Azumas reggt much power to too slow to kill the elite. And yes, the guards spawn after natural because it takes so long. Even if the enemy from spawn wegpullt, the space is fortunately small. Conclusion: Aaargh!
also is available from the Misty Mountains, the Billwissdorf, an open top 48 so to speak with authority know Bill. Starting at 45 because you get quests, but no one on the server seems to be interested in the village. By stealth is not, to the mobs are too close. The "simple" Solo Quests front of the village are making hardly as many Laufmobs are traveling and you must remove 3 or more mobs at once. All in all, the Misty Mountains, the boring version of Angmarrr with unfriendly quests. At 45 I am immediately thrown Forochel, and there again is all fluid and smooth as in Evendim. I buy an igloo in Forochel ...

The "ugliness" of the quests in Forochel Angmarrr and I fault the fact that these areas the "Endgame" by LOTRO for 1 1 / 2 years of age. Many group quests and raids can be in Carrrn Doooom Misty Mountains and found, but of course nobody is more interested in these quests, as the Superloot is with Moria at LV60, and thus the 50 raids are a waste of time. In the global quest for the Channel of Maiar (MaiarSNG) make people just "turtle raids. A 60 had been told in an epic quest that is hard to find people for the lower large group quest tasks, and therefore the grace of a 60's have to hope. I can only confirm this, so were undone in my epic quest multi-level / days, book 2 is still open. When was declared in the global channel, so that took forever to groups or bodies 60 completed the task quickly.
is now the poor Azumas to turn book 7, which is intended for LV50. I have no great hopes that I visit the well-orchestrated instances of Carn Dooom or the Misty Mountains will (for example, the revived dragon is a raid in the Misty Mountains!) and I will throw at Forochel as soon as possible after Moria. Being able to have a level of customizable weapon is motivation enough.

Azumas misconduct had been received with LV42 want an "epic skills Slot", and at first the joy was great. But no NPC wanted to provide information, and so became a LV60 scoundrels asked. Vegetables you find a book to bid on the AH to say, and then collect the missing pages of the book in the Misty Mountains or Angmarrr of random mobs. First impression: Meh. In fact, the books now in AH, as well as some pages, but unfriendly Prices. The books were bought for the benefit of containing Epicness for the expensive side I beat my way through the area and received just half of the required pages. Research on the internet revealed that even some instances were tied, and so I took my epic cursing the idea, now an epic power to have. Epic Fail would be inclined to say to the Nerd.
The suffering but wanted to end. With LV45 I got from a rogue trainer then the quest, epic gear and weapons collected. Exciting were the statistics of these things, but the requirements were ... disgusting. This time already researched it turned out that several drops from mobs in Angmarrr and Misty Mountains had to gather together. As if any of the tourist areas. Part of it was possible to buy in the AH, and any Dragonscale I made the mistake of offering for 10 scales. I saw the 300 silver, 1 gold, but not ... I was 1.3 Gold for a few scales off. Holy Batman, there was a small house has been thrown out the window. After various plans, from the killing of the newly enriched, up to the crash of the AH markets, I was able to calm down again. To collect himself Azumas was too small, and so I buried the ass will follow the carrots of Epismus further. "The Moria weapon is better anyway," the hope.

observations of classes
Azumas as Rogue was 35 felt more strongly. First, it had to do with the weapons exchange, I gave up my dagger dagger or sword combo and led to an ugly main hand mace. Since the damage was calculated mainly on the main hand, I was suddenly more than twice the damage. In addition, nice skills came into play, my spec on the "silent knife" let grow my crit chance and I was more like the usual stalkers do great damage at the opening. Along with the puzzles, and later a skill that resets almost all of these skills, I could chop of 2 groups with no trouble and signatures individually. With the epic skills I would later even more damage from the crit make out ... when I have time. In groups I am "one of many" maneuver starters, because the puzzles like to ignore the group and the mob is aroused anyway, I walk with in order to weaken the boss with a maneuver. Solo the villain makes still extremely fun: sneak in a full stock study, sidewalks, patrols off and assassinating finally the boss what a slow game à la Metal Gear Solid and differs greatly from all other classes, free-cut to everything. Also, I save so much time and according to level quickly, as I do my orders without much distraction.
The excessive gambling has had no other chars too short also I'm not sure about the role of my guardian. He shares how Azumas only medium armor, and relies on his combos and evasive on his / Parade / Block levels. Its role should be a tank, but the channels you never asked for a guardian, but always a guard. Other roles are well distributed and so are also questions ("We are looking for knowledgeable / rogue for CC), but the keeper brings something new to the table or is a poor substitute a class? Guardian is tank, lawyers, and Rogue are CC / debuff , hunters and Rune-keeper damage dealer, main man as a buffer. bard course Heal, Rune-keeper in some cases. The guardian is a combo ... Anything.
In action games, combos are meant to reward the players for a good impact sequence and provide him with powerful attacks for the rapid and efficient killing available. Also rewarded for good reflexes and clever fighting with much more power. In an MMO, which plays a balancing role, should the guardian of the above combos no gain super powers. Thus, his individual skills are weak, which allows him to combine the Erbilden a "normal" force. While growing, and other classes to create a skill of a button, the guardian of press 3 or more buttons. On the one hand, it has less armor and longer reaction time because of the combos. The flexibility gegebgen of combos is not, and you shall be adjusted his combo Rotation: Taunt Combo Shield Buff-healing-Taunt-attack shields us, and so on so forth. It is this rotation until the thing is dead, differ is risky because you could have its shields ungebufft could lose aggro, etc. What distinguishes this but, but another class that has a lot less effort for their routines?
My guardian is the "Style" to be Char, until I saw with my own eyes a good keeper. According to the theory of the weaker armor should have the guardian of more attack power, so the cattle will die more quickly. Difficult here to find a balance ... Furthermore, I will
Ilayda as the main girl most distinctive and see if it is to continue to play so funny.

Off to Minas Tirith!
Oh yeah, I'm with the Lord of the Rings refreshed film trilogy, the background knowledge and a doubt), I live in Moria to come, as it depends on the ability troupe of Middle-earth and b) get the developers nightmares when the horses ready to fight for Rohan have to make. The story so far in the game suggests that you never went out of them, involve them in the fighting. If she had merely watched the films.


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