Friday, January 21, 2011

Are Women Attracted To Noses

question of the Armenian communities

из want to separate themselves from my answer to the question epistolane , because quite different, but still hot topic: ''Do you think after 50 years in Europe will be the Armenians, or they are finally assimilated "?

-definitely will. beshenye despite the pace of integration, assimilation, and growth of mixed marriages. This is particularly harms the conservation of the Armenian family, hence the Armenian community in exile. family is not Armenian, houses do not speak in Armenian (or not only and always) children will, at best, half-Armenian, half-(the nation's other parent), we (the identity of the country where I grew up). The next generation of these children are unlikely to be identify himself with the Armenians and Armenia, to keep any of the national traditions, values and language. so in 50 years really have not gone to a non-assimilated Armenians, especially in Christian and free Europe. but there are circumstances that put this, namely:

- a fresh influx of Armenians from Armenia (first generation immigrants - have grown more at home, remember it, connected with it all the threads, native speakers / ie NATIVE language Armenian / Armenian mentality, tradition, values, adatom .......). Their Interaction with the Armenian migrants second, third, al-Nogo-generation part of the past returns to the Armenians. How many would be unfortunate there was no immigration from Armenia, it helps to keep the Armenian communities in the Diaspora, gives it new life. Especially important here contact young people of all generations of migrants, and the possibility of find a partner among the Armenians of different generations of migrants from different countries. if you noticed, by the main factor for the conservation arm of the community believe the marriage between Armenians, however rassistichno it may sound.

- + independent Armenia Artsakh. until there is somewhere Armenia, where state and native language of Armenian, will and Armenian communities in Europe and worldwide. Just the existence of the Armenian state will help save the community. People may continue to associate themselves with the land / country, can come to their historic homeland (though only on vacation), send children to camp or training can begin there are any проекты, вложить деньги, или просто сидя себе комфортно в европах, ежегодно участвовать во всяких арм. марафонах, армянских фондах, голосовать за любого представителя Armenia in the Eurovision Song Contest fan of Armenian athletes, is proud of Aronian and Armenian cognac, etc. etc., all can not enumerate:)

- Internet, high technology, social network. Yes, yes, yes:) strong and netvorked Armenian blogsfera, where only a portion of bloggers from Armenia, the rest scattered around the world, this explicit example.


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