Friday, January 14, 2011

How To Make A Portable Screen Display

experience of life in 2010

returned from vacation with a virus, that's nice, the work is not necessary, I will catch up in the tape. Stories and photos from Egypt would then, while'll play a Flashmob, and flipped lazily tape:) all the years since the last holidays! Originally posted by

[info] cartesius at experience of life in 2010 friends, watching in 2010, let's share our experience of life: what's new, we learned that interesting experienced what they have learned during the year. I propose to fill the following form (items can modify, remove or add your own):

In 2010, I learned (las) ...
ride a horse. - I, too! thanks cartesiusu:)))

In 2010, I learned (a) ...
Let's not about the poor in the New Year fm-e:)

In 2010, the first time I visited (a) ...
in India Lithuania and Egypt.

In 2010, I met (las) ...
many interesting people with whom the second meeting is unlikely to be, but there is memory and the warmth of shared spent time.

In 2010 I read (a) ...
cloudstreet (street cloud?) By Tim Winton. Garcia Marquez @ @ karovn deaf and tvel cloudstreet-and sur and dem:)

In 2010, the first time I tried (a) ...
newborn shark. tasty, but did not say that the fish!

In 2010 I looked at (a) ...
a lot of things, but particularly memorable inception

In 2010 I purchased (a) ...
camera Nokia D5k, laptop sony vaio (u menya vse laptopy byli sony vaio, drugix i ne sushestvuet, pereubedit 'w etom poka ne udalos':)), smartphone palm pre plus. and all 3 at once became the center of my life:)) without a hands-free!

In 2010, I first put on (a) ...

In 2010, I first organized (a) ...
first time, nothing organized. Well, on paper a lot of things, of course, but the workers do not count.

Relay passed
[info] artashes98 , [info] beat_9 , [info] apasionade , [info] eilide , [info] janeik , [info] ovanitas , [info] pablo13 , [info] psilocybelarvae  ,  [info] roocaya  ,  [info] shamset  ,  [info] vesta923     и всем, кто еще не успел!


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