Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Best And Easiest Way To Clean Suede Boots

Star Trek Online: Commander Muemeyyiz Bugs in Massive

Oh Oh Cryptic Cryptic! Today the server for the preorder accounts have been closed down, so you had to enter its retail code to continue playing. Like any man with a trace of common sense I did this not because of bugs and server stability allowing a normal player at this time. The 30 days free game time I will take next month in a claim, provided you have terminated about 80 percent of the players after the free month of their account. The remaining 20% can speak fluent Klingon and will never voluntarily evacuate the server. Last weekend I was able
but let the 20-30 level range behind me.

Commander Schpärd would be green with envy
who reach the 21th level, the unhealthy reddish Muemeyyiz appointed Commander. With his promotion, he was allowed to change to the next level of class escort, which actually resembled in size the dimensions of a light cruiser. After presentation of the personal note in the ship editor mutated the USS Suicide by Star "into a pure-bred warship, which had 3 weapons bay front and 2 rear Todmachern demanded of himself in his Normandy Schpärd the beads of sweat from his brow.

The USS Suicide by Star before the remains of the planet Romulus

levels in the 20's: Old friends and the tortures of the Space key
The transport also increased the number of personal and bridge officers skills that space battles were still unbehäbiger to control. Here are two big drawbacks of the gameplay were very significant: the limited car fires and the low degree of tilt of the ship.
The degree of tilt is more of a problem for the class escort in particular. touted as a distinctive characteristic of the handling, I can not fly with the ship 90 degrees above or below gene. The weapons fire with hardly a 45 degree angle in the height dimension so that articles and ships that are below or above me, are not available. This leads to scenes like abstruse runterschlängelt a truck of a mountain that I slowly at a 45 degree angle, the Y-axis runterrotiere since the engine seems to crash no real 3D space.
The car fire was limited to a weapon in front and one rear weapon. Now I'm in outer space more than 10 forces for insertion, while I control is the correct ship position with the mouse and weapons and shields must operate. I lose valuable time trying to shoot the stupid now 5 weapons, while I would much rather focus on my tactical positioning and insertion of forces. Man erwischt sich dabei, die Space Taste dauernd anzuhauen, da sie alle Waffen ausser den Torpedos auslöst. Und mit dauernd meine ich jede Sekunde. Man ist doch schliesslich Commander und nicht der Kanonier des Schiffes...

Das Leveln ist weiterhin im Alpha Centauri Sektor, wo man sich mit den Romulanern rumschlagen muss. Der Content Mangel setzt sich wie gehabt fort, als Konsequenz levelt man auch relativ schnell (eine Episoden Mission steuert einen halben Level bei, eine Runde Erforschen ein Drittel). Die Episoden Geschichten sind auf dem gewohnt hohem Niveau, selbst ich als Non Trekkie finde immer wieder Anspielungen an die alten Serien und Filme. Manche Geschichten haben sogar überraschende Wendungen und es gibt gar einen Fall, wo man bei einem conflict has to choose between the two fronts. The Federation acts still too aggressive.

The equipment begins to slow to gain importance. During the missions you can always play with items essential to win bonuses, with exploration badges can be from NPC merchants that also Ertauschen. The skill tree of your character runs from the first general skills (training ship weapons) to specializations of (training: Quantum torpedoes), so that you can set up individual and his ship "more" out of date. The Rumwerkeln the ship is by far not a must, a ship can be the objects of episodes missions his work just as well , Do the differences are not decisive game (similar to the "City of Heroes" Equipment balance).
Personally, I have turned my ship successfully in a stalker-style (not Stealth). An enemy ship is not getting much of the "Suicide by Star" with scarcely in sensors reach their target systems are disrupted, while bringing a quick-fire energy projectiles to succumb to the shields. Even before the opponent can activate its emergency systems, a devastating salvo comes from quantum torpedoes flying towards them. Great fun.

ground fighting in their Skill trees grow not as fast as the space battles. The officers promoted to a skill more Advantage, I get only a cooldown reset. I should probably not mention that the fights are still extremely simple and play by themselves. At least there are nice effects for "City of Heroes" nostalgic and I live out my Dual Pistol noise.

"You are not allowed to login to the server at this time" The
A server is a horror. Over the weekend he was repeatedly forced to shut down, queues in the evening with over a thousand people waiting. If one may be lucky to get to the login screen, the server often bucks "You are not allowed to login ..." with the third or fourth attempt, he can but a pure.
The game itself is unplayable because of the lag in the evening, rubber band effects ensure that an arrival at the star chart twice as long. The zones in missions or in other sectors must hide from any thriller, mostly one sees in the loading screen "Lost Connection to Server" and pray that before the timeout the connection finds. It can be very good that you are flying at every other zones from the game and then get to the login screen to take its place in the endless queue.

El Capitan pulls up a mini
spite of the server, thanks to the quick level progression I could on the last day the "lock out" the population collecting enough Preorder Nimoy to be the Commander promoted to Captain. (Author's note: "Gratz to Nimoy" is placed by me Meme, as can be heard at every level up from the pit Leonard "Spock" Nimoy's voice Congratulations ). Full of anticipation I took my "tactical Escort" whom dream in my mind for a larger version of a butcher.
I could get a Mini.
sobering had me say that escorts are really small and agile ships to support, and my Commander ship more of a design blunder by Cryptic was. The iconic Defiant class from the series "Deep Space 9" I got my own . Call After Modifaktionen (to make it look bigger ...) and media tive minutes of pondering, I projected a emotioniale, enlightened description and christened the small escort "USS De Lorean SC89.
The DeLorean from the Deep Space 9 Station

Please comment how cute the little one is. With 2 cannons, 2 torpedo and a torpedo bay front and rear power tower is the little racer's death in Schiffsinifizierung. I quantum-torpedo to the Cardassian fleet back in the Zuku ... Stone Age.

also made such a scene change. The red changing genetic mishmash of a lump-El Capitan was sent toward Cardassian front to maintain an underground movement in check. After the Dominion War, the Cardassians are now hold no greater danger, but it seems other powers (shape-shifting?) Here the reins. The few missions episode promises some exciting stories (subjects covered: Travel in wormholes, militaristic Splitterguppen the Federation invasion of shape-shifting).
the DS9 station is accessible and offers well-known venues such as quarks bar Unfortunately, the station as the other centers get very small. The station will serve all appears to be a center for LV30 + players.

Star Trek Online? Maybe later.
As already mentioned, I will wait to use the 30 days off. A first content update was announced with a focus on the endgame and "Borg task forces. I expect the update in March, so that you give people a reason not to cancel my subscription immediately. Until then, we should have gotten the server problems under control.

My Account LOTRO will run continuously through February, which may happen in March, is still in the stars. As the PS3 games are waiting to Heavy Rain and God of War3 right delicacies Schpärd also wants some attention in Mass Effect 2

El Capitan Muemeyyiz this: "I'll be back."


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