Monday, February 1, 2010

Started Running And No Longer Having A Period

Star Trek Online: First impressions Head Start

The Schpärd! Sci-Fi is my euphoria brought back and in a hypnotic state, I've pre-ordered unkontrollierterweise Star Trek Online via Steam. As a Pre-biscuit you got together with some small stuff and the in-game access to Head Start, which began last Friday evening. In contrast to the normal Buyers who may not start until Tuesday evening, we were the chosen ones for the stress test before release.
Unfortunately I could only start last week for testing, because Steam had my pre-download and download times, I simply deleted Star Trek Online separately and had to install. Once again proof that Valve (heroic studio that Steam has invented so that the game world of PC games is assimilated) is a tool of the devil. Following my first impressions (and a lot of cool pics of my boat):

Tutorial: Hey, the character editor I know ...
First one is a screen thrown at his head, where you select the breed can choose the alliance nations. Each race has certain passive starting capacity. If you do not find interesting race, one can "Alien" and select more advanced in a "City of ..." Editor, his own race together yourself. Of course there no wings or capes, but you can pretty much all the Star Trek universe au Gesichtsdeforumung select, place, un rotate in a full color spectrum paint. Körpertreile may be distorted horribly with sliders, there are even a few postures. The graphic design is in contrast to Champions Online kept realistic, but you can clearly see the same engine that drives champions. Therefore, female characters still look very ugly formed from.
As a class choice you have the choice between tactical, technical and scientific officer. 3 basic classes of the MMO, as it could get out were raised: The Tactical is the damage dealer, the tank and the Technical Research is responsible for control / Heal. Impatient as I am, I took the tactical.
My first char was uncreative "Muemeyyiz", and I built an alien to unhealthy red skin and a strange skull. Even at the character creation could be named his ship, so zusammenhanglsos the unknown thing "USS Shattered Moon" was baptized.

The tutorial started on a ship (?), Where the crew running around calmly, while the Window Borg ships Starfleet ships at zerballern saw. Learn to walk but was much more important, and so began my training. The controller was used to and from the 3rd person view, as a first job I had the Borg from the engine room to beam out into space. Here you only had to click on a flashing console already plying the Red Devil (Muemeyyiz) around and beamed out of the Borg. Next, you had to heal injured: Click on the flashing people and watch. When Red finally pressed a phaser in his hand from her, it was allowed to irradiate anmarschierende Borg. It could also run to dodge a role when the direction key twice operated. If we flanked the enemy, they told more damage from. Eventually, even my contact had enough and I beamed onto the ship that I had bennannt in the tutorial.

As luck would have it, that was all spent on my ship, the captain and I as an emergency Capitan! help needed to drive the Borg. The ship's steering has got very unusual, you see your ship from the 3rd person view floating in space. Speed reduction and thrust is controlled by Q and E, the weapons, a laser beam and torpedo, the number fields. You can either try to ship with WASD control in 3D space, or you hold both mouse buttons so that the vessel is oriented in the direction of the camera. The mouse variant I gave the preference, as I steer with my left hand the rest could, while the mouse was only for flying.
The ship has a hull, the life bar, so to speak, plus energy shields. The shields are divided into the four cardinal directions, weakening an attack on the respective sign it. Once a sign is down, the sheath can be attacked. Signs can regenerate over time, so you keep all gleichstartk with clever rotating blades. The battles can be fought only within 10 km, one usually flies at full speed to the goal is to fight rotating speed, weakened to you has some shields and shoots the thing with torpedoes from space. This laser works better against shields, torpedoes while the shell . Crack
precisely according to this scheme ran from the entertaining battle against the Borg, and after they had destroyed the Borg cube, came a radio message from the Admiral, that officially Capitan! the ship was carrying.

Here is a pic of my USS Shattered Moon, when she disappointed by the much too small moon back to Sol station flies:

space station Sol, Home Sweet Home
After the tutorial undocked it from the space station on earth to exchange some words with the Admiral. The station is the center of things, where you can do several things. Here's a quick overview:

ship change
The Appearance of the own ship can be changed, I could replace the parts from 3 skins as desired. Even a few gabs patterns to choose from, you could color in the mood. We'll see when the first pink rumdüsen cruise ships ...

officers hired
Each Capitan! needs a crew. Bridge officers, one in space and on ground support missions, so you have a full team of Pets, if you find a team. You can adjust the bridge for a tactical, technical and scientific officer. When hiring may be adapted to the character editor, the appearance of the officer as he wishes. If, later, officers are hired Work out the capabilities of its existing bridge officers, rather than replacing them. But when one is fed up, they can also be dismissed.

auction house Olé!
Yes you can also sell their loot. The currency is an energy credit, the operating surface of the auction window is lousy portable. You can not even filter by price.

storage compartments for personal items, mail system
On the first day gabs already the first gold spammers in the mail. Hard-working farmers.

exchange dealer for everything
In outer space you will always find anomalies that can scan and insert the Loot can. On such dealers can exchange it for equipment of the chars and the ship.

dealer for everything
For the people who have earned enough credits in the auction house * cough *.

El Capitan! on quests in the vast open
The quests are divided into ship battles and land operations. The Story quest line is longer than an ordinary Quest and linked Allkämpfe and ground operations several times. During the fighting in space usually are out to anyone or what to save / scan / find where it "surprisingly" change round opponent and then the usual rotating orbital battles are conducted.
land use can vary. Besides the typical missions of rescue hostages, kill enemies, interact any Blinkis (imagine the "City of ..." mission architect before, only that it would take a few 100kb Mb for the mission are available) are also missions where one example. ausseridische eggs on the surface of a planet will scan and then to explain to the locals that the aliens they will not eat. I like this peaceful missions, gives a little breathing space. In a quest one also had multiple choice answers to choose from, but it seemed to be an exception. Too bad.

there to patrol missions, where you have to visit a certain number of star systems in a sector. The missions seem to generate random and then range from a Allschlacht, ground mission to explore issues of peaceful nature. In

discovery missions to fly in an unexplored sector, where the card is actually empty. Now you have to explore three "anomalies" which are actually a system where you have to unsubscribe happens to be a space battle or ground mission.

I've found so far only a Haupquest, and it seems to exist only one quest per level of experience. This course is not enough to go with a level of a quest, so one has to rely on the random emissions.

Alternatively, you can also fly through the sector and respond to messages such as "enemy contact" or "cry for help" because it is zoned back into a system and meets the random tasks.

succeeded Good: Gameplay ground missions, or City of Blasters ... in Space
The ground missions beamed you down to his crew, then where the targets are informed by the crew. Own equipment and the crew can be changed at will, in my case I had pressed all a laser rifle in hand. I myself lead a dual laser gun. Each weapon has a primary, secondary and melee attack. Depending on the choice of weapons, there may be different effects. My 2 laser gun could have a secondary attack a cone AOE attack, while the crew end up with their guns mostly critical hit or stun enemies. Each character also had an ability of his class, was the technical nature of lay mines, while weakening the schientific crew members were able to shield or heal the team. The Tactical added an additional melee attack or Damage Buff.
The extremely similar to a blaster champion team in "City of ...": All fired wildly, Flash effects everywhere and in the end we had won. Great tactical gabs not claim, the artificial intelligence of the team arbteitete surprisingly well. Only the diseases, such as Getting stuck in objects when running after the El Capitan! were things that we have from "City of ..." knew.
Here the red man and his crew (Klingon base):

An extremely useful feature is the scanner for soil emissions. Once activated, it indicates the direction of the next "interesting" article. This may be a case for looting or quest objectives. That's right, the search for the last annoying Blinki is not available, simply scan the area and the dachshunds Engergiezeiger afterwards. Here is a pic of the scanning Capitan:

bad, very bad: sky map and the instanced space, server performance
The Head Start is characterized by many server failures, lag and disconnects. So the usual for a stress test before the launch. Interestingly, all play (also EU!) On a server. It is instantiated very much, each mission, whether space or ground combat is (City of ... you can greet) opened as an instance. I once a solar system near the second sector examined how many were in exactly this system: 48 instances of the same zone (in this solar system), each zone had 50 people. Wow, they make money. No wonder that crashing the server in the evening, where the Americans are awake.
was also the German translation as incomplete and flawed, that after a few Surrounded minutes in English.

The star map where you can set course for various sectors and their systems, looks disappointing. A boring map, where you can see then how travels at a snail's pace several light years to be allowed zones in the desired system. There will not a large open space where you can fly through a sector and move closer to places of interest may. A system is a zone that is an "edge" has. If you wil get out, you go to warp speed and is found on the map browser again, where you have to drive the next target and then load in that zone.

There was but what with MMOs ... Teams!
The team is finding funny enough, hidden in a small symbol that "other" is, where you can plant "social" to choose to get into the team search. Very confusing the whole thing. In addition, all via the standard "automated team" set as soon as one enters by chance in the same instance quest with other players, a team is formed with them. The quest then scaled automatically and you must address the priority task in the group. I had to contest several times the pleasure of space battles with 2-3 other players. Unfortunately they were not at all communicative, and made only "their job". In the team were the space battles more dynamic, and also went quickly, unfortunately, left now all the team, as the quest was over.
The maximum team size seems to be 6 people. There are war zones, where you can fight up to 40 people in a kind of raid together against the Borg and Klingons. The only time I attended there in such a zone, I just saw a lot of explosions and a message after a minute, that the Federation has won. What do my presence can do ...

Currently, my red devil on LV9 and awaits his promotion to Lieutenant Commander with the next stage. All 10 levels you will get a new ship and advanced skills. LV50 is the maximum.
The game currently has some quirks, but somehow it feels like "City of ..." without that one CoH2 has ever played. Fascinating.


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