Friday, February 5, 2010

Fugitive Recovery Clothing

Star Trek Online: LV10-20 in the sign of the Romulans

The official launch for Star Trek Online is done on Tuesday, but due to delivery problems, especially in the EU area we may still continue playing with the Pre code without having to have entered the retail code. My Red Alien was able to fight in time for the official start of the lieutenant commander with the LV11, so that he could back the Klingons can be towards Alpha Centauri.

a new ship for the Commander Lieutenant
The transport ships were released the next stage. In contrast to the starting vessel could be here also specialize in space on one of the three main classes: the cruiser ships as large, slow tankers, the smaller, agile Escort as damage dealer and mid-sized, equipped with powerful shields Science (crowd control) vessels.
was because my concept for Muemeyyiz out badly in the direction of a genetic experiment on race, I took the class escort in the hope of obtaining a fast warship. The different specializations also switched to the next skill level for the bridge crew release, while the escort vessels benefit from the tactical officers. After having thus carried his favorite tactical officer to lieutenant, one may need in the space combat an additional skill (in my case torpedo damage buff). The Escort
class plays in space much like a stalker, no invisibility, mind you. A single enemy can surprise you with a lot of damage, but then have to use the agility to intercept the opponent's attacks on all of shields. A Ecort ship has weak shields and can be destroyed by a few torpedoes.

Here is a pic of the USS Paradise Lost "before the Sol Station: Next

Station: Alpha Centauri
In Star Trek Online, there is only one continuous story (in this case episodes), by the Admiral of the the sector will be awarded. The Red Devil was sent into the sector, that the boundary between Starfleet and the Romulan Empire was formed. The episodes were well done, could be within the episodes the NPC chat even background info, but unfortunately too few episodes. Every 1-2 level will be awarded an episode, the rest XP needs to be worked out with patrols or exploration missions. These are relatively random and generic, like the "City of Villains" newspaper missions.

with the Romulans as a new opponent, the difficulty increases significantly. The ground fighting is "City of .." typically extremely simple, but the space battles now require more skill. The opponents are now using similar powers as the players, especially the D'Dedirex war ships (the largest ship in the Romulan) may result in my little Escort with the tractor beam to be in with 2 torpedoes to blow. Here you have to play to the strength of his class: Almost all ships have torpedoes for a 90 degree frontal angle, the tractor beams have a range of 5km. Now I can use my agility to the D'deridex to flank and destroy with short but strong waves of attack.

useless feature of the day: the bridge
the convoluted options can be found a feature that allows a beam to your own bridge. At first glance, "Housing YAY!" But then when you walk by the bridge ... zero interaction. You can see his crew members to handle different devices, but one can not even respond. In addition to the bridge you can not visit the engine room or other premises. The only option is a window where you can invite friends to the bridge to roleplay. Not even the space view on the main screen is real, only then glued texture.
Whatever, here's a pic from the bridge of Paradise Lost: Are

Starfleet Action, or Bugusing Deluxe
The Star Fleet Action instances raids for 20 people, depending on Raidart ground missions or space battles. In Alpha Centauri is such a Star Fleet Action, where to stay, the crystal-entity, a Planetary Eroding extraterrestrial beings. Normally, when one horizon in such an instance, is you have to wait to see the 5-minute countdown of the reset zone. In the crystal thing Raid seen with his ship at the single zone only a half zertörten planet, and many, many vessels are in front of snake. The first time I flew out of curiosity to the waiting ships, only to see that in the zone reset the pink crystal thing just spawn in front of us! In seeking a panic nor the buttons for the torpedoes, I noticed about 5 seconds later, like an explosion nearly destroyed my ship. The crystal was ding been destroyed by the rest of the players before I could fire a shot. As far as anti-climatic about.
The Star Fleet Actions have at the end of a successful raid a high score list and then the loot is distributed. But since the crystal thing on it went so fast, were high-level players, the instance at the Perma-farming, as it ships with the better, of course, spearheaded the leaderboard.
was fortunately fixed the raid last Thursday, this thing is now crystal (Hamidon anyone?) A true nightmare, specialist with over 800 thousand HP and smaller protective crystals.

The game still has many bugs, some even prevent, as the signing of exploration missions. Kill All space missions annoy enemy ships that remain stuck in asteroids and not come out, as well as false Gegnerspawns in patrol missions.

Here is a Fleet action in space, a laser show:

Intermediate conclusion: I know what you did last summer, Paragon Studios!
The first 20 levels are played and I must say that the ground battles are still insignificant CoH'eske artillery duel, which you can not lose. The space battles have become more entertaining thanks to the specialized classes of ships and stronger opponents. The ship control system is complicated due to the growing skills (2 skill bars already full!) Worse and some enemy ships, it lacks the balancing, but that can get over it. Probably it should be the desire for group formation, as in "City of" increase, but so far there are more little groups. Only the episode missions will be asked publicly in the channel, and I had a couple of times the pleasure of playing in a group of 3, which increased the fun factor considerably.

I'm still not feeling this extreme CoH ignore. The setting is obviously different, but of the missions to the bugs is the recognition high. The game feels like a solid skeleton that stands there and is virtually Episode missions. Cryptic Studios has acquired the Star Trek license only a year ago, so I guess they made the Champions engine and the experience of "City of Heroes" have crafted an MMO in a hurry. Whether at Cryptic for Star Trek project staff Paragon has lured away? Sci-Fi
My heart will let me continue to play Star Trek Online. The urge for the next bigger ship is large (with LV21), and the few episodes are worth playing. The game design itself is not bad, just lack of content. The Focus on Rumgeballere but the "City of ..." Fans put more joy than the Trekkies, I am very sure.


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