Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Weave That Can Be Scrunched

spring fatigue

degree but at the moment I'm very awake! I slept this afternoon for a while, well into the evening, now I feel fit and can learn for German. Leave now, but first a little bit.

have some degree of 2.5 hours on the phone with Max, because I have him half of a key reading read. haha, for the exam tomorrow "Trials and Tribulations".
I'm afraid. many reasons, not lust, which is now listed. I feel the same reason also totally uncomfortable in the classroom in the d-lk. naja.

hm ... hab grad Leave absolutely no feeling for ...

na toll ...
go. tschö

Monday, April 23, 2007

How To Repaint A Bike Fork

the evil weIght

I sit just on the laptop into apple sauce and stuffing me. ha, now I've thought some time on the white short pants on, because so warm. dup dup dup Tues ... fuck ... I'm damn damn increased again. * Cries *
I always thought that as long as it all looks rather ok, this is no problem. ERROR. Today I then realized how much but the pants can constrict after a year. I'd like crying, but could still pull together to some extent. with an effort of course. then I've been thinking seriously about the possibility of a diet. this is devastating. do you not understand that. diets are against my principles of life. to eat less, eat a little eat little less I can get involved under any circumstances. at least I thought so until now.
since I've slept this afternoon, I had absolutely no appetite this evening when I got my cousin offered to eat something. she was shocked when I did not want to eat and ran to my mother to tell her that I must be sick because I eat anything. aaaah, what have I for one image.

the way I wanted to tell that I was on Friday when training on Saturday and I had no muscle ache. wait, I do not remember exactly whether I have been told. I wanted to tell or that I can do another 50 situps. without trial at the same zusammenzukippen and no air to get more. haha, I'm proud, proud.

today was a lala day, not very nice for me, I find. afternoon I was with Chrissie in the park and we have made our anniversary dinner, that I have given her. then quickly went home and completely idiotic every 5 seconds sleep on the bus.
then I'm back home first quickly read the book to end, I had already read last night do to an end, but I was so tired that I'm nciht got beyond page. (It's also only 10 pages were left) so read, then sleep. 2 hours slept and got up to the mountain homework slowly to work. Tomorrow I have hours 7, 5 compartments, and in any way I have to homework. I could die. aaaah ...
must now do I still German, philosophical, english and art. Beautiful views.

level I was at Marc and I have looked at his game. ignoring the fact that I understood very little hats made me very much fun. the sweet little brother sat in the room and has been watching. the max! all the little sweet. marc has not told me later some have gelabert then a bit and then I moved. with the bike, oh yes, and I wanted to go with the bike from the bus stop and from there by bus to marc. is actually the 51 regularly, almost always late. But no, today, when I'm running late, it has to come extra time. so I had to go but with the whole bike to marc. but it was okay, was thinking that may be a part of my new target device, the thin target device, which are in-the-pants-of-last-summer-pass target device. was therefore relatively motivated. haha

and now at home.
and now homework.

me up today were sick again. I was pissed that again. has made me sad again. I was the hurt again.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Dell Insprion 1525 Sdmmc

the effect of the tulip

first briefly tell what last week's all happening.

Thursday so we get back the physics. not very exciting. 5 + ... but well, have expected nothing better. the one in the history raises again. hehe
well, French was shit it very much. really sucks. Finally, we wanted to go along with things obi and porta shopping for his new room. but we have done in time then not quite, so I went home first, and then only to him. because I'm on my way over to Marc, I thought, I call him and tell him hello. but no one answered the phone and not answer the phone. I then drove the 51 to tivoli. thus increase, and whom I see as running away from me? marc! haha, so funny, we sat in the same bus and have not germerkt. I even walked past him and he has seen me nciht. I I touched him, because he has not even heard me because of his music, he's totally shocked and I first looked totally flat, hugging me totally perplexed and then asked: what are you doing here? I watch for the bus, pointing to him and looks at me quizzically: you there? too? I laugh: jaja! we have probably not seen.
are then gelatscht up to his house. have a little talk and I then announced that I would walk past with French, the two present.
was then at the French totally cool new apartment from. are then directly going to look at porta to her for a board. by marc in advance. he showed me all sorts of his stuff, he has few days before purchased.
French said later that he finds marc nicer than he envisioned. I found funny, everything just posturing, I said French marc is not nice, he's pretending. ha tried to convince him, but not quite snapped. Ultimately, I was as bad as girls, because I've tried to make him bad.

but what the others will understand it.

that was thursday.
Friday I was at training, before max was with me and what we have eaten before we went into the car wash. that was soooo funny. max loss had to clean the car because it was so dirty. I then gave him money and mitgefahren borrowed it.
most fun was when the checker auto was driven up. we see in the mirror containing the sports car checker auto, red. cheap bad. thus keeping the left side next to our car. The passenger door opens. 7cm long legs show with stiletto heels are on the gray asphalt. these shoes are part of a young woman, dressed nice and decent. looks very feminine with not much power. So such a girl to protect the young men would. CHECKER THE BRIDE. DAMN. haha. on the other side we see the check. mega checker, gets out, lights a cigarette and smokes a relish, while his girlfriend cleans his lovely car.
max was totally flabbergasted. He looked at me and said, can not address that yet; the girl that cleans the car from the guy as he stands by and does nothing. century in which we lived for. very sweet! haha

evening I went to training. was very cool and am looking forward to next time.
it was just also so cool because we have been kicking techniques, which I can very well and like to do. Although a little out of practice, but my talent for nciht disappears just like that. same people praised me and that must mean so what! I have also trained with alex. mega funny. is the type of something cool.
we did randori ground (ie ground fighting), I had him in the hand grip and he tries to get out. So he starts to tickle me, tickle me to the often know what is expected for a reaction, I do not react. He asked if I was not as ticklish? "Not in extreme situations!" then he had to laugh so that I mitbebte all the time.
training very amusing all this.

I was asked after practice if I want to come along to the barbecue. but since I did not pick up, it did not work. was a pity and sad, but it went on, I did not really have the mood, especially since I was very tired and then also in training matters as standing around. So I went home and got very long talk with my cousin who went there really sucks. really mega shit. it was totally finished with their nerves. but then I've been listening to her and we talked. I need not mention again that we understand our extraordinary good.

Saturday, Saturday halt. was yesterday.

today we were with many people in Keukenhof, tulip and the flower paradise in holland! MegaST really beautifully breathtaking. at the very beginning we were making very euphoric at the photos (Öcher flat), by and by then it had to but because we had less and less pleasurable to photograph flowers, the whole damned. haha, but we have made very many pictures of us and a lot of stupid videos! which is more an extension of the videos that made up by me added. very funny things we did.
for some real things are happening creapy. I ran with my cousins over so trettbretter in a lake and my parents went along the shore. the two have any photos taken from the shore. was so funny. then wanted to make my cousin at a photo of the two shores. MY PARENTS HAVE A COMMON PICTURE IN A TULIP IN A PARADISE ON THE LAKE SHORE. Whats wrong? the best is yet, after having finally understood what my cousin wants one of which, my father put his arm around the shoulder of my mother and pulled her to him.
oh my god
I almost fell into the water.

was not enough. then when we have made a picnic on the grass, my cousin wanted one photo of us three do, so me and my parents. I and my mama had, my mom took me in the arm and dad sat in front of us. My mother started rumzufuchteln arm with her, beating my dad accidentally on the head. We laughed ourselves sick and papa began to howl at. my couine has thus no longer get into.

I do not know when I was the last time parents so happy with one. the whole picnic was totally idyllic, as we sat under a cherry tree, as the episode lost its blooms. it was sooo beautiful. Beautiful, beautiful. breathtaking.

and now ... tired. sleep (once again very much driven car. IN HOLLAND, damn!)

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Hemoglobin Range 2 Year Old

to clarify the time

'm up today after the newspaper and read a little bit down to pascal because we wanted to make a clock with him to "lord of the rings" to watch. 2 follow extended version.
well, then we have finally begun to 3 only, because the values people: xiao max and have come a little later.
eaten, looked gone.
and many times gone to the bathroom.

as I said, I am very tired, so go only to a very significant things that interest me.

I added a little bit excited, as are the two occurred. no offense. as always. So, I have not talked to xiao, before it had even court to do so to the extent that they are not in here is looking.
are the first two half an hour too late, have not said modest. Finally, max then arrived and told us that xiao ne hour come later, then made half-third first place is quite unnett, we have identified extra that we meet by one, but eventually it was half-third would have told you earlier decision, or even modest words, one would have any way to adjust. I also would also have what may come later, and could have done at home or things that I will not grade had to do just yet. In short, I found it very rude and not particularly nice.
later, we started watching. problems that had appeared first language and then move the monitor. language, we have finally made easy for english, because it was 2 to 2. Pascal and I were for english and the other two for German. anyway. pascal said from the start, then follow if both are German and English both follow, because he clearly does not come with it when it said it on several. however, was finally at the 3rd still some debate about the language. pascal has made to English without subtitles, he wanted no subtitles, because otherwise he is too focused on the caption. xiao said absolutely wanted to German, then max bold as they should just get up and change it. she was doing it too close, they would have, if I had not told her she should keep it.
it was absolutely not about my will to enforce, but to show her that she can not just do what they want.
then the story with the monitor. pascal did not want that the monitor was placed on the ground, different reasons. is also totally do not care what it was for what. I do not know if the people were now so sensitive to notice how uncomfortable he was when they started at his table and made rumzurücken institutions, the monitor held down against his will. I would have liked in the moment shouted at them to leave everything as is.
it stirred me up so that they did not notice where the boundaries are. so what do you do in my opinion not, one does not behave like the king, if you make friends is at home, no matter how good a friend is. for me it is simply rude. I certainly would have reacted differently than Pascal. I thought it was bold. I could not understand how selfish it was in this moment, without consideration for other persons.
I am sure in many aspects I'm not different, but when it comes to how we must behave as a guest, then I am a bit picky.
small thing to be on the edge, it is possible that the two The mail did not get sent the pascal. He has asked to bring something small, can be gesharet it. I do no one a reproachful, if you have not read the mail. but it's always nice when you know you look much, what brings you to small.

Aaachen, damn, I reg on unnecessarily. is over, forget it. a little bit.

gaaaaanz what else. and indeed, today I was sitting in the bus back home and I read.
to me cold and once it runs the back down. I had slight knock and my panic began to heart and I thought I die.
no, I'm not-so-excited-I-can-stand-it do not die, but real. I die.

I thought of a gunman of the bus through the running and shooting in all directions. and then I'll die. my dream with me, be my, my hope, my faith, my thinking, my feelings, my life, my body, my everything. I do.

thought this made me jump such a fear, that I thought I could never be sure, nowhere, never.
I was thinking. makes me exactly how it would be if someone were to rise with arms in the bus, and rumschießen with his weapon would. no wonder is not the most pleasant. But what I'm getting.
fear death? why?
why it hides when you know, but you die anyway.
forward only done once so if something happens to me, I will not try to duck, will not hide me. I want to sit upright, the killer in the eye, my killer. I will do it. I want this with all my heart.

So, everyone dies, außnahmslos.

how many live are lost. How many dreams, hopes ... all gone. bäm

What are we so afraid. it's just the fear of what will happen, because we do not know. what if the shit is hell and just as the sky. What if life after death is crappy, as the life before death?

what if we trapped forever in the spirit world and as they never leave?

what if anything more? everything is black. no, it's not black. it is nothing. do not mind it. because you can imagine it not, which is nothing. it is not. think not and that will not only thicker, the more you think it will disappear more and more.
not think because it will be in death. no thinking, no feelings.
be no.

prepare you.

So what is it?
we live day to day, believe the fact that we live in tomorrow too. called the naive or just human? We could not be brought up with the idea that life be gone, tomorrow, running next hour, next minute already. why not? (Maybe it's different states in a state of war, made it basically, because the children are also raised with hope) would have a value-alive if we did not hope that we have one tomorrow. how would we live if we believed, tomorrow we are no more. would we still dream, we would do anything that would sweeten our life? All these questions ... and so few answers.
is the fear? when we no longer live there are no future. no means forward, that we do not believe hope not. not love.
who wants to live as one?
so we believe in the future. tomorrow, the tag. we believe, and therefore we live. we live because we believe in tomorrow. we dream because we believe very much in the morning. We love it because we believe in the infinity, which will meet the love. one morning. one day.

arrive until the night.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Katesplayground Board

hospitable afraid of worms

late so, so tired.
I have to just provide a bio prepared speech. yes very late, but only because I started at 1 with marc phone calls.

well, I was not particularly keen on letting me go to make it to the Department. read after the first I got really bad and then when I finally saw on wikipedia too disgusting pictures, I was right to throw up after mute. baaaaaaaaaaah ...

must have the first Lucas and then tell marc and could not work on my presentation. yes I know stupid excuse. then got on the phone with Marc. One night he called me, so at half past 5 in order to be exactly 4.22. I am in the morning woke up quite early because it was the morning when we went to Dusseldorf early. just now he told me that he was right, damn shit, the worst depression since a long time. I did really sorry that I did not go to the phone, although my cell phone next to my ear, was not only was in range, but even in earshot. but apparently my consciousness faded, and my subconsciously be aware of it. I do not have the purest one, as far as I know, I woke up in any way or somehow disturbed in my sleep was.
I sleep like rock n.
but this time was not that great, I feel rather bad about it.

talked about many things and i do now seriously considering whether I should not have fear slowly before him. There are reasons that do not enter here the public. ^ ^

yesterday I really wanted out of the bex go to him and watch him play because I knew he was playing Tuesday. but then is only one consideration remained no more than that and. I've just told him then and random as the game failed and been moved to next Monday. so I will probably next week Monday after class quartet go to him and look for the first time how he plays. I am so excited to see how he changes when he plays. anyway I've never seen cs. haha know, but so many other things about cs.

tired tired but not really tired.

have not even mentioned that in my professional work I have a 1! I was glad really super mega moderate and encouraged me enormously in my real self confidence. it shows me the end, what I absolutely need that I can, if I want it and if I like it. I was really obsessed with my subject and have read so much and thought so much about it. Although the review itself was stressful, but a tremendous challenge, which wanted to meet I had to. in the end is not only the note which I received for this work, important, but simply process the work itself and the fun that was so essential to the whole. The note shows me again how much expertise lies in me. if I want, I could be more than that and enough for me for my months until graduation. only this is important.

we have noticed a new reader, I have today. ^ ^ Hiya. I was initially shocked when I said was that someone has read my journal. not necessarily mean that I am ashamed for the written or anything, but it's up to a certain degree of very personal. and I had to think about whether I've written about him. would be disastrous if what he reads about himself that is not so nice. negative surprises. although I do not think of what could be so much negative to write about him. haha

still no plans for the weekend.

is my finished artwork. haha, it's something failed, because the nails were longer than the board, then, are the nails just been down. but I do not really care now. can not hope to make, just that they do not too much I watch it. otherwise I'm happy with the arrangement of the figures, which stand in a relationship. have a photo made of it, maybe I alternate it so pure. ^ ^ Or da!

had romantic moments again today with my cousin, we sat together with apfer and milktea on the swing on the patio and have entertained us. on Monday, we already have talked clock to 1. we totally understand well and have now found that each of us had a very different picture from the other, before we met here with me right at home. now we are great friends and talk about any bullshit. We have already made, that they travel to me increases when we are back in Taiwan. both together. she laughed and said, "when it will be well." I'm happy that we understand us so. It has changed so much.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Enlarged Liver Ultrasound


after 2nd hour, I went home and took a shower. On the way to my old school I was pretty nervous. I will admit though reluctantly, but I was afraid my old classmates to take. Today, I have indeed seen very few, and they were usually very nice to me.
but I am aware how unpopular and misunderstood where I am. I generally go by the pretty ass, but unfortunately I can not say that it does not affect me. probably does not hurt, but I do have my thoughts. and but these are thought last one for me. I have to think about how I can best protect and how I can best respond to hurt others more than they hurt me.
like to come, because even in a round where you will not like this or that.
today was negligible and it is otherwise the same. but I did not feel good that I had a day like this, think about it.

end I had ne entertainment with andi and Thomas gave me a lift.

arrived, everything was black, but there was light since. While the mourning was in the air, but the wind carried them away to me.
until we in the church and were all slowly came to rest, I was depressed, as the sadness in the air was trapped. it was almost palpable, she lay like a cloud over all mourners. Of course one might say that this event has seen before.
for me it was the first time, it was not only remarkable, but much more depressing.

I stood at the back, looked as little as was heard as little as was felt as little as could. I thought. but the position that I chose was just right for my character, as I found out later. I am certainly not a traditional gafferin, but I like to watch people, discreet and unnoticed. I am not surprised with mouth open, but watch the movements of the person in the smallest details.
maybe that's a mistake, perhaps people should have a coarser observation, so that they do not always see everything, because it might be unpleasant, angering and sad. for themselves and never for the watch.

I did not think that I cry. anyway I did not know what to expect.
my first funeral. I would have probably cried
ncht, I would have recognized not all the hymns that we have time in his religious teaching vorberetet if we all had a worship leading by 3 months.
integrate the melancholy in which sounds, by The whole church seemed sounded as messengers of sadness.
then I felt freer and livelier than at any other time that day.

preaches. sermon. not only that I was not Christian, I hated this drivel.

earlier when I was little, was God and religion no more than one kind of community and a game that we played together. without thinking about the meaning of words and the effect of the symbols, I did what everyone did. I prayed, I said, "we beseech thee, hear us," I was the "Our Father". even the cross.
What a change in me, which is tantamount to the changes over time for nothing like I felt today, as I stood there, in the last row, on the wall, not folded hands, closed eyes to mouth.
I said no, I did not have to imagine.
remember was on my own some of the fair, nothing that said one of those who touched my heart in the least. I see no Jesus and no god.

In the end I was too busy watching the absurdities of other people, label them as ridiculous and then think about what percentage of people are so like that.

"not cry. We sort it out." which require power such words.
he left 2 small children and a woman. and his family and friends and colleagues and students.
hard we can be realistic. I felt like I was in a closed world full of sorrow and sympathy. Time seemed to stand still, just for this man to remember him to show him their last respects. everything from world seemed ignorant of this, was ignorant, for they ran out of time without further obstacles. our time, however, stopped so we had the opportunity to capture what happened, what happened and what will happen.
this statement probably pushes everything out at once. do not cry, we can do it.
do we have another choice?

I leave it at that today.