Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Katesplayground Board

hospitable afraid of worms

late so, so tired.
I have to just provide a bio prepared speech. yes very late, but only because I started at 1 with marc phone calls.

well, I was not particularly keen on letting me go to make it to the Department. read after the first I got really bad and then when I finally saw on wikipedia too disgusting pictures, I was right to throw up after mute. baaaaaaaaaaah ...

must have the first Lucas and then tell marc and could not work on my presentation. yes I know stupid excuse. then got on the phone with Marc. One night he called me, so at half past 5 in order to be exactly 4.22. I am in the morning woke up quite early because it was the morning when we went to Dusseldorf early. just now he told me that he was right, damn shit, the worst depression since a long time. I did really sorry that I did not go to the phone, although my cell phone next to my ear, was not only was in range, but even in earshot. but apparently my consciousness faded, and my subconsciously be aware of it. I do not have the purest one, as far as I know, I woke up in any way or somehow disturbed in my sleep was.
I sleep like rock n.
but this time was not that great, I feel rather bad about it.

talked about many things and i do now seriously considering whether I should not have fear slowly before him. There are reasons that do not enter here the public. ^ ^

yesterday I really wanted out of the bex go to him and watch him play because I knew he was playing Tuesday. but then is only one consideration remained no more than that and. I've just told him then and random as the game failed and been moved to next Monday. so I will probably next week Monday after class quartet go to him and look for the first time how he plays. I am so excited to see how he changes when he plays. anyway I've never seen cs. haha know, but so many other things about cs.

tired tired but not really tired.

have not even mentioned that in my professional work I have a 1! I was glad really super mega moderate and encouraged me enormously in my real self confidence. it shows me the end, what I absolutely need that I can, if I want it and if I like it. I was really obsessed with my subject and have read so much and thought so much about it. Although the review itself was stressful, but a tremendous challenge, which wanted to meet I had to. in the end is not only the note which I received for this work, important, but simply process the work itself and the fun that was so essential to the whole. The note shows me again how much expertise lies in me. if I want, I could be more than that and enough for me for my months until graduation. only this is important.

we have noticed a new reader, I have today. ^ ^ Hiya. I was initially shocked when I said was that someone has read my journal. not necessarily mean that I am ashamed for the written or anything, but it's up to a certain degree of very personal. and I had to think about whether I've written about him. would be disastrous if what he reads about himself that is not so nice. negative surprises. although I do not think of what could be so much negative to write about him. haha

still no plans for the weekend.

is my finished artwork. haha, it's something failed, because the nails were longer than the board, then, are the nails just been down. but I do not really care now. can not hope to make, just that they do not too much I watch it. otherwise I'm happy with the arrangement of the figures, which stand in a relationship. have a photo made of it, maybe I alternate it so pure. ^ ^ Or da!

had romantic moments again today with my cousin, we sat together with apfer and milktea on the swing on the patio and have entertained us. on Monday, we already have talked clock to 1. we totally understand well and have now found that each of us had a very different picture from the other, before we met here with me right at home. now we are great friends and talk about any bullshit. We have already made, that they travel to me increases when we are back in Taiwan. both together. she laughed and said, "when it will be well." I'm happy that we understand us so. It has changed so much.


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