Monday, June 28, 2010

Marvis Toothpaste Where To Buy

The Best Time Of My Life!!!

Tue, June 29, 2010

I can not believe I'm at 10 weeks back in my room sitting on a laptop ... The time in LA and Raleigh is rumgegangen so fast. It seems to me than it was yesterday, where I still deadly the stupid volcano was excited, and now everything is over ... It's somehow so funny ... it's as if I had never been away. Everything is as usual. Only I do not ...

Although it also does well to be back home, I will miss Los Angeles and in general everything totally. 10 weeks - despite everything - a long time, and you get so quickly to the people, the habits, the food, the language - and especially the prices. I use this very last entry of my diary U.S. in order for me and for to you the 10 weeks in the U.S. reflect on to highlight what is special, what is different and what I liked best and what made me rather annoyed.

Los Angeles - City of Angels
Los Angeles is a huge city. How huge, you realize the first time you fly over it for half an hour until we finally landed at LAX. It is hectic and chaotic, the traffic is terrible and people are somehow stressed constantly (and woe, you are going go no matter if it's green. Then there's a horn concerto).
Despite everything I've used very quickly. I'm now definitely sure - West LA is the place where I grow old and die, and before that, of course, want to live a long time. Although different in many ways or "worse" than in Switzerland - I love Los Angeles and especially the people. It's just perfect!

There are several buses in Los Angeles. The ones I have used regularly were the Santa Monica Big Blue Bus, which I believe there are 12 lines, the Metro bus orange and red Metro Rapid Bus Line. The rate for the Big Blue Bus is 75CT, $ 1.25 for the other two. But since I regularly rode bus, I bought a week after the EZ Pass, available for $ 70 is valid for one month, and at all bus routes in addition to the Subway.
Furthermore, there is also the Culver City Bus, Mini Blue, Metro Rail (underground train) and some others.

Traffic Lights
The traffic lights in Los Angeles, or America in general, specifically. Since the roads in most cases run in parallel and as a grid, can be estimated more about, where and how long it is red. If it is red for the pedestrians, we see a red-orange hand. Can we run, the red hand to a white Mansgöggeli. As long as this white male lit, you can walk. After a while the male disappears and a flashing red hand appears next to it you can see the seconds that remain one, to cross the road before it turns green for drivers (and by that time will to be from the road down, believe me). The buses for crossing the road at the way red is $ 400. It's worth it somehow not.
Although this should not have, we are often simply ran over when we still had about 5 seconds ...;)

The people in Los Angeles is different (apart the fact that very few Americans, most are Hispanic or Asian). The mentality is different than in Switzerland. If you have a question is in fact everyone is ready to help you further, if he knows the answer. If you ever have any change for the bus (because you do not get a return as money), you may ride free. Do you offer an older person your place the bus, they say thank you for 10 minutes and tell you her half-life story and how nice it was to offer her the place. In the restaurants and shops up the employees ask first "Hi, how are you?" Asked us if everything is okay and say "Bye, have a good one" when you go.
Americans are perhaps sometimes a little crazy, but they are incredibly friendly and open. I have yet to meet anyone who has somehow come to me stupid. Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish friendly from some other intention. For example, if you an elderly Man accosts you and asks questions. Since we know not, he wants to keep only small talk or if he possibly another in the head?
But in general people are really great and just a lot more like me. I feel there is so much more integrated than in my own country. I'm there, went to a church and every individual has welcomed me as if I had it for years, yet they have not known me. In America, few people have prejudices, or any other negative thoughts toward others before they do not know. I know that many Swiss have totally prejudiced against Americans, but people ... I'm in the ten weeks really know many Americans learned, and nothing like this is true!

So, the first surprising to what you, if you go the first time in an American restaurant, the prices. McDonald's, for example. A Big Mac costs about $ 3, a kids Meal (Happy Meal without toys, so to speak), 2.99 $.
you go to Subway, you get a 6-inch Turkey Sub with cookie for $ 4.99. In Switzerland, I pay for exactly the same twice.
the restaurant you get a huge pizza for 8 $, huge salads and burgers for 4-7 $.
The first thing that shocked you when you go for the first time in an American restaurant, is the bill. Unlike in Europe, here are namely Tax & Tip (tax and gratuity) not included. The tax is between 8 and 10 percent, the tip 18 to 20 percent. Then the food is no longer quite so cheap ...
But in most restaurants you get a Coke or something similar once ordered, free refills as long as you want. Water (unless in a bottle) is generally free and get you every time you visit, without even . Bestellen Before, during and ever after eating out by employees, to ask if everything is okay and if it tastes good. If you do not eat everything like you can order a box in each restaurant to take the rest. Payment is paid eventually.
ch, and here is drunk all general (except, eg, beer), always with a straw. I think I drink from now on, never again ... you just used to it, and it's a completely different drinking: know)

you, I love English. At first I was rather uncertain about the speech, because I never had the opportunity to correct it to learn and to practice. But after a while I was fluent and understandable, so most think I was ever here or speak English with someone at home. My Hostmom Joan told me after my first week, all the students that they ever had, I was the first who has spoken with the Californian "Slang" ... whether this is good or bad is another matter. I've's perceived as a compliment, as it was in some way, my goal is to sound like a native speaker ...;)
After a few weeks it has become really difficult to speak German and to think. If our Teacher asked us whether a certain rule or a certain word exists in our language, I had the greatest difficulty to find the German words, it was everything English in my head. And this after only 3 weeks. rotzdem people ask me again where does my accent. I will very likely not soon to go ... but most people respond positively when I say that I'm from Switzerland ...: P

Fast Food Restaurants & Coffee Shops
In America actually almost nothing is unique in that almost every restaurant and every coffee shop Part of a chain. That would be because, for example, McDonald's, Burger King, Subway, Danny's, Jack in the Box, In-n-Out Burger, Wendy's, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Taco Bell, Starbucks, The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf, Peet's Coffee. These are all chains. Try
far I have only McDonald's, Subway, Danny's, In-n-Out Burger, Wendy's, Taco Bell, Starbucks and The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf. There
D aneb there Yogurtland, jamba juice and shop chains such as 7Eleven (a supermarket).
I've naturally already a brutally bad sense of direction, but this was all the more difficult, as each corner really just looks the same. At each corner is a McDonald's on every corner is a Starbucks on every corner is a CVS Pharmacy (alone around the school is the scandalous 3 pieces), and so on. It took three weeks, until I found my way in the vicinity of the school.
In Raleigh I then also went to a Chick-fil-A. This is a chicken fast food restaurant. Very yummy :-)
general, said that even though America is the land of fast food, because, especially in cities like LA anyway always a certain rush is there and somehow can never go fast enough. But it is different than ours, with us always means fast food burgers and fries. This is different in America. There is, first, a larger selection, and not just McDonald's and Burger King, and many things are not necessarily unhealthy.

The best-known stores are 7Eleven, Ralph's, CVS and Best Buy. The first two are mainly for food, but there are certain other things (in Ralph's get you just about everything, including the bus ticket). CVS, as mentioned before, is actually a pharmacy, but you can find anything there, and often even food and clothing. And Best Buy is the American version of the media market. There, I've bought such as a second battery for my camera and U.S. versions of the NCIS Seasons.

I know I already have a section on restaurants and fast food, but I am now eating in general. For example, there are in LA about 10 different kinds of M & Ms. There is Snickers with almonds instead of peanuts or dark chocolate. They simply have a larger selection at all, and that's something I miss extreme. There are also cookies and donuts till you drop - two things that we are not really: (

Opening Hours & Sunday
Yeah, I have to be so! get used to that in Switzerland the day after the dinner over. Everything closes at 7 and Sunday you can do anything anyway.
in America really are almost all fast food restaurants and food stores open 24 hours. You can easily do after dinner somewhere what, even on Sunday. The only thing you realize in America that is Sunday, is that people go to church in the morning. There it is you really never get bored!

When I have come to me most people have said, Hollywood is not soo special. With correspondingly low expectations then I'm on 25 April, the first time gone - and was surprised. I LOVE Hollywood. It is not so, but I do not really special or. I just love it! I could spend days there without me it would be boring.
My absolute favorite place in Hollywood, to whom I am always turned back and I always return will return, the Hollywood & Highland Center, and behind them exploiting dividend Hollywood United Methodist Church on Franklin Ave. I just love to be there and watch the people with a Coke and a piece Lemoncake from Starbucks. Particularly during my last week in which I had no school and really every day in Hollywood, I've spent many hours on the roof of the h & h Center and just thinking. Up there are never many people there so you can pursue a calmer mind, write, draw, or simply do nothing.

Yes, America is already specifically in terms of units. I had indeed already accustomed to the new paper size, but that's not all: instead they centimeters inches instead of feet they have feet instead of miles they have Miles, they have instead of liters OZ, they have instead of Celsius Fahrenheit. It took a while until I got used to it that I buy a 20oz water bottle instead of a 500ml bottle (591ml 20oz are by the way, and I still do not know what to say really OZ ).
With the temperatures it was a bit easier. It did not take very long until I'm strapped, 68 ° F is freezing cold, even if it is for us Celsusianer for a damn hot summer sounds. Everything under 75-80 ° F can forget you ...
What I have also used relatively quickly, are the miles. Urban areas one can basically go 25 or 35 mph on highways outside cities to 45-55 and on the 65th Highway The navigation system then said "left in 2.5 miles, turn". Getting used to, but for European idiots like us, it's still as an image on the monitor shown that we know exactly when because we need to turn now ...

The ELC is really a great school. The teachers are great, the ladies in the office are great and the students (mostly) well. What was a little goofy: came to the 90-95% of the students from Switzerland, and few have spoken English constantly. Well.
The general atmosphere at school was great. The craving, the restaurant on the ground floor of the Avco-building, where the ELC in the 2nd Stock is located, it was delicious, freshly prepared food for 4-9 $. There are burgers, sandwiches, salads, hot dogs, fries, breakfast menus from time to pasta, wraps and more. In addition, there is also a small kiosk; there are candy bars, chips, drinks, coffee and pastries. There is also an ATM machine, where you can let out cash.

I met at school so many great people that my Facebook friends list is growing extreme. We have seen so many cool things are driven by half the land mass and have shot photos. We have experienced so much together, and each time it was extremely sad when someone had to go back. I had to adopt all the four really good friends before I, too, then on 19 I rose in June at LAX my plane.
But I am determined to most of them to meet again - perhaps at a reunion party times over the weekend:) I also have
yes also made American friends ... I very much hope that I can see again as soon as possible :-(

Host Families
Yes, were added in the first host family was not really a hit. Monica was nice and all, but not the lifestyle I just said yes.
'm just 2 ½ weeks, I then moved into the family of Nathan. Joan is really totally sweet, sometimes a little crazy, but lovable. It is strict and has a lot of rules, but basically the easy to follow, such as the short shower or always keep everything clean and so on.
Joan gave us cooked every night (when we were at home) a nice meal, varied and healthy, so I have no fear had to become obese. At noon I ate only what small, Subway or a salad craving.
When I was at home earlier in the evening, I have often looked to Joan or TV talk (she has even seen the NCIS finale with me - even if they do something dirty to me, purely because she talked constantly and rewound back has [no idea like the TV program here works] and then we have missed the part because she thought it draws on, but it did not).
After two weeks I've then also their twin sons, Nick and Steve met with whom I have also often been so funny.
am in my very last week, I moved again, as Joan and John, my host parents, "on vacation" were. I then for this week with Vicki and George, Joan and John's neighbors lived. They were also super nice, and I really enjoyed it!
to stay with a host family is really perfect. You pay $ 300 per week and can get for 2x what to eat, allowed to use electricity, water and internet and you learn along the way yet know the everyday American. Just what I wanted. And I had the opportunity, three to get to know (with Raleigh four) different ways of life.

I know, actually I was even brought up atheist. Still, I just wanted to see how it is to go into a church. And it is wonderful.
Whether the now now on the church itself is, or simply because the people in the HUMC are so wonderful, I do not know. I do not care. In my last two weeks everything has turned around the HUMC and its people, and it was really a super good time. I've met so many great people, with a few I'm still in Facebook or Email Contact.
Not only was I there on two Sundays, but also on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. On Tuesday, so was the weekly "feed the homeless", on Wednesday, "Mighty Love" and on Friday, "AIDS Lunch". I think it's just hammer that these people committed so good for so many different things. And I would like to be part of it.
Once I live in LA, I will probably join the church and do what I always wanted to do: help people and find the faith in God and hopefully also to myself.

9 weeks Los Angeles - a balance sheet
I were to describe my time in LA with a word, it would be: Indescribable!
I can say without doubt that these nine weeks, the best time of my life. Never in my life (at least not since we moved to 2001) I've been so accepted. I got in the 9 weeks said many compliments and nice things, as before in the whole nineteen years. The first time I I have even been flirting of various types and such. I've just felt so at home that I now real "home" have hurt.
All I keep saying, yes, you're not the only, all others miss it too. Yes possible. But not like me. For me it's different. It's not just that I was just there, almost on holiday, party every night, during the day at school and stuff.
I am the life of the Americans built, I even went to church, have since helped and so on. I really feel part of something really to be a great thing, and now that I am no longer there, I have the feeling of missing something. I've even met people who convinced me to keep going at a time in which I would have liked the end. And now I'm so afraid that they forget me when I'm gone, because they tell me only once have seen. If I only had a week or two more ... then everything would be different.
But now I know really where I belong. I know I must be "complete" until my life here. I must make my teaching, this control everything. And then when my time comes (in 3 years I hope!) yes I know where I hinmuss. And the best thing is: I know that because I'm welcome where I go.

The time in this city has opened my eyes. I know I want to do, where do I want and where I belong. West LA / Hollywood is the place where I would live and die. Absolutely.

9 weeks Los Angeles - the best time of my life.


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