Monday, June 28, 2010

Slogan Examples For Pet Sitting Business

Going Home

Sat, June 26, 2010

On Saturday morning I got up at 8:30 am and have packed my bags ready. I went 9-10 again in bed and then got up final at 10:30. I'm down, have eaten NEN donut for breakfast and then I, at 11 clock something with Allison and Linda went to the airport. And while we were still on the freeway, I remembered that I forgot something ... my two pictures that I had with me .... hangepäckmässig Crap.

Well, whatever.
arrived at the airport, I said goodbye to Allison and Linda and then have me with my two suitcases, a laptop and my backpack to the check-in Switch fought when I had problems the first time.

first I was too dumb to check myself, so I had to help a woman. She has somehow made me questions I have not fully checked (I was tired and I'm always so nervous at the airport, they also had a nasty dialect) and I felt so stupid. They had to finally check in my luggage for me and then said that, I had to pay 50 dollars for my second case. She told me to slide the card into the card reader part, but what we're all know, does my credit card no more. So I had to leave the baggage and just run to the ATM, where I have my regular postcard at least another 60 $ given cash. As soon as I was back and had paid for the extra baggage, a man tells me that my case has large 4kg overweight. The woman can then asked me if I take out anything for 8 pounds from the large suitcase and get inside the small case. I told her, the only thing that really weighs 4kg are my rollerblades - and there is no chance that I get the small in the case. She said then that I had to repackage something, otherwise it cost 200 dollars, for international luggage overweight. Okay. That convinced me ...
was angry with other people in the neck so I opened my suitcase in the middle of the airport (fortunately nothing was embarrassing at the top ...) and then I remembered that I got my school books in the suitcase did. And voila, you'll take the 4kg textbooks (unbelievable that this really is 4kg!) Out of a suitcase and take them as hand luggage, and you have saved $ 200. Puuuuh, that was close!

went after this initial shock, then the Security Check. I am by now so used, I was not really nervous, actually. Shoes, backpack on the conveyor belt, laptop out of the bag, all in boxes and down to tape ... through the metal detector - but what is it?
from the band, I already saw it. A huge machine, like a shower, where people had to clean ... then they had to spread his arms and legs and were scanned and flashed. Wow. It must be this new body scanner?
Oh no. I do not want in the body scanner. Oh no! Snüff!
I am then, total despair, through the metal detector and straight to the guy in front of the scanner, and I have not looked sooo, that has meant to me with his hand to run through next. I've looked at the so stupid. Woah, luckily has not taken me for ne suspects.
WAH, I hate security checks!

Then, when I got my shoes back on their feet, the laptop was back in the bag and my backpack on my back, I'm on to my gate - C3, it was this time. After this tumult I was hungry. I went to a little thing and got me a "pocket Chocolate with nuts" bought. Mampf. I've sat down at the gate and then waited for 2 hours ...
in between times I've unpacked my laptop and tried to somehow get onto the Internet. Was Unfortunately not.

Then we were finally on the plane. The pilot told us right at the beginning that it would be "a bumpy ride", since it is a bit rough. And that was it, too. We were less than 2 minutes in the air, as we said already the first time, we would crash. And so it was actually us the whole flight. Fortunately, there were only 40 minutes.

Once in DC I was a bit totaaaal glad I get this time not all my luggage and had to go through customs. That was the last time .. maybe a theater!
My luggage was then passed directly, and so had I "only" my hand luggage. Way, there are a reason why the "only" is in sschen Gänsef ¨.
first time I've searched my gate, C23. For this I had to go through half of the airport, we are in fact arrived at Gate A. I had a little train to "Gates B - D" drive, then run through all the gates B and C through most gates until I finally was on the C23. I had hoped such a hungry and I want there to feed near my gate something decent. But nil. The only thing close was to Gate C23, was a small kiosk. But now I need lunch.
knew from last week, I still want it near the gate, where I flew to Raleigh, was a Subway (remember ... I had bought me a sandwich for clean lot of money just to then finding that there was a Subway next to my gate ... well).
Determined to eat Subway for lunch today, I got my backpack and laptop bag slung over again and am losmarschiert brave. "Food" was the motto on a sign. Go nuts not bad. Oh, and if you think that a treadmill in the middle of the airport, just like that along the ground, a stupid and idiotic Thing is: NO, it is not. Lovely!
I drove about 300m and then went ... where was the damn gate with Subway? -.-
perceived After two hours I was finally at Gate D23 - and the Subway. I have a 6-inch Turkey Sub with American Cheese (there was no Swiss) made, plus three White Chip Macadamia Nut Cookies (Chocolate Chip, there was no ...) and a bag of chips. The entire cost me about $ 6. I am running with my sub in tow (additional ballast!) All the shit back. At least, I thought, now I have some time rumgebracht. Ha think. A glance at the clock - the whole procedure - run to the run back pay pending,, - I was just cost around 15 minutes .... super ....
order again at the "only" come back ... Memo of myself: next time the laptop is flying in my suitcase and hand luggage has wheels ...!

I then got my sandwich to eat and waited. And waited. And waited. Until finally it was 5:15. Then we were finally on the plane. I was almost at the back - 35H. I've packed my laptop (which I can check next time, really) and I sat down. I was suddenly very tired, and I was beginning to think I would fall asleep. But no sooner had the aircraft in the air, I was wide awake. I've finally decided to watch one of the movies to kill time (sorry, 1:1 translation: to kill time:)). I got me a Valentine's Day "being looked at. Although there was a funny movie - but he plays in LA. Snüff. "Home" hurt.

some point during the film, at around 8, I think there's then Dinner: Rice with Chicken plus salad, a sandwich and a small chocolate cake. was

When the film ended, I was getting bored. Meanwhile, it was totally dark in the plane, you could sleep with them. I've tried everything to sleep, but somehow that did not fold easily. Well, I'll play containing some DSi, I thought. I got the thing open and turned on - and suddenly it was as bright as day in the aircraft. Oops. Sorry.
I then screwed the brightness all the way down and played some Tetris ... 4.5 million points in 2 hours. I still could not sleep yet. The only thing I've noticed that I was getting tired, was that I just shit in Tetris've built. But still I'm never died. At some point I had simply tired.

hurt While I was sitting in my 767 and have tried, rumzubringen the time, I've kind of total "home" get to LA. I was so sad that I really was on his way back to Switzerland. But then I turned the idea.
The time I spent in LA was really awesome. I was sad that I had at home. But the time in LA, my memories, my experiences, the people I've met - all this has affected me, strengthen and grow. I have met wonderful people I've met Pauley P. and know that I shall see her again when I go back ...
Now I know exactly what I want in my life. It's just too early for me. You must get I clean up my life in Switzerland. Click to get everything in order, finish my education and so on. And then when my time comes, yes I know where I hinmuss.

I do not remember how I finally rumgebracht time. There were then about 2 hours before landing a yogurt and a Fruchttäschli. Then, after landing, I first had to walk naturally again with laptop and backpack through half of the airport and finally take the little train. And people ... I know now why everybody thinks that Switzerland was the last Bauernkaff. We hear all the cows at the airport in the little train 2m below the ground! What was embarrassing to me ... all Americans have laughed full ... Oh dear ...

Then we had to go through passport control. And yet something typically Swiss: Sunday morning at 8:00 clock in tears at the Zurich airport, of course, no one from his leg. I've been waiting for 30 minutes (and there were not twenty people in front of me) until I finally got through the check was ... At least I did not have to wait for my luggage, which determines already 5 laps around more or ... I've packed everything and I am a Wägeli direction inches. Sip.

Only the day before I have discussed with my father, through which customs, I must - by the green (nothing to declare) or the red (declaration). Are not we really come to a common denominator ... Just that I do not always know how much it cost, and the stuff that I did everything schonmal needed, and it therefore eiiiigentlich not have to be declared. He finally told me I should just make through the green customs, with a group of people and without eye contact. That made the crowd do, but no eye contact when lying around since about 10 police officers?
Woah, I think the only other time where I was so nervous was when I scanned the black Ami at the embassy and gepiepst my pants button has ... But
it took me (thank goodness!) stopped no one. And 10 seconds later, I saw even my father and my friend.

It was kind of weird, suddenly hear again and speak German (even on the plane were not really all Americans). We are then driven home, where I first got my Hundie welcomes \u0026lt;3 Then there was a delicious brunch, afternoon I went 2 1 / 2 hours with friends and doggies out there and after that we chilled. Just a normal day. Until then I had

slept at 1 clock in the morning at last, I was over 33 hours of the night. But I feel at all jetlagged. Am a bit tired, but that is because yesterday I'm too late to bed, P Otherwise I feel nothing at all.

It still follows a very last entry ... Now I go out but still with my doggies. The Swiss perfectly ordinary everyday things changed for me ...



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