Sunday, June 20, 2010

My Marriage Invitation Email

Speaking & Santa Monica

Thu, June 17, 2010

On Thursday morning at 10:15 I had my Speaking Test. Well ... everyone with whom I speak here in America, admired, even my language skills and are all very excited about how I speak fluently ... Yes, if the only time in the test so I would hahaha
made general in tests or in class, though I know that I listen to all, very nervous and somehow bring nothing gscheit out. Once I even forget I have answered during the question and then I totally lost -.-
But the great happiness, though Dominic was asked the question, Theresa the one who made the notes. And yes they know that I'm usually better ..... I hope she has taken into account are the xD

After Speaking Livio and I went to Santa Monica, where I had to do a few things, and pretty soon I'll be gone home, because I start so had to pack .. .

evening are Vicki and I then went even to the Ross Store and I got for $ 40 bought a second suitcase xD


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